IH logs me out every day

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this or is it just me, but I get logged out of IH every day or a few hours.

This has started to happen about a week or so, and yes I used the Remember Me checkbox during login.

Just a heads up @csallen as it might be affecting the UX of many IHers 😊

  1. 3

    Happens with me as well very frequently (few minutes even)

    I was actually wondering if there is a place to talk about this issue here... Turns out there is a "Meta" tag... TIL

    1. 2

      I'm using Google Sign in... just in case anyone is wondering

    2. 1

      Few mins? That’s fast.

      I just had to re-login after about 2 hours.

  2. 3

    Yep same problem happens to me on mobile 👍

  3. 2

    Yea, I thought I was the only one having this issue.

    1. 2

      Seems like checking the box, “keep me signed in” keeps me signed in. Haven’t had an issue after that.

      1. 2

        Yeah I checked that box too, but still get signed out rather quickly.

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