I'm a Full-time mama 👩‍👦 & part-time indie hacker 👩🏻‍💻 - Building Homeskoolers | AMA

👋🏻 Hey Indie-hackers,
I'm building Homeskoolers.

2 years back I left my high-paying software dev career to spend time with my newly born.

I started learning about mindful parenting & researched a lot to raise an emotionally healthy child.

Two things that grabbed my attention were respectful parenting & homeschooling. And, we’ve decided to homeschool our son once he is ready.

If you’re a homeschooler then you will agree that finding the right homeschooling resources & information is really hard & time-consuming.

So, I’m building Homeskoolers. A directory of curated homeschooling resources, for homeschoolers vetted by homeschoolers.

Ask me anything!

posted to Icon for group AMAs
on December 19, 2021
  1. 3

    "homeschooling resources & information is really hard & time-consuming"

    There are also many other hard & time consuming things in a parent's life, as I'm sure you'll know as a full-time mama.

    My 5 cents, from a parent perspective:

    Make sure to be as straightforward in your copy as possible. Parents are busy creatures who often don't get the full 8 hours sleep at night and in general tend to have a chronic lack of time running errands and so on.

    I've seen a few startups aimed at parents, but they were mostly overloaded with text / content and it was really easy to get lost, needless to say I've stopped using them.

    I also came up with "The Busy Dad Test" and I wrote about it here: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/the-busy-dad-test-9a4eb165b8


    Hope this helps and good luck!

    1. 2

      Hey @ptrm,
      your point makes sense. I will look into it to make it more short & clear.

      I love this "busy dad test". 😅

  2. 2

    The idea is really great would love to hear more about the idea in-depth, about USP, exact target market, And Being a UX designer I would love to help you in designing experiences for your homeschoolers :D.

    1. 1

      Thanks, Nitin. ✨
      That's so kind of you. I will definitely let you know if I need your help. :-D

      I will post my initial drafts n Twitter. Catch me there.

  3. 2

    👋 Hi from another indiehacking parent.

    Your project seems like a super useful resource for homeschoolers. If I learn of any friends doing homeschooling I'll be sure to share this with them.

    Best of luck!

    1. 1

      👋🏻 Hi,
      Thank you, Rishi. I appreciate that.

  4. 1

    Hey great to know about your work, I did something similar. I have been using hybrid approach to educate my son. I have started a blog educationnext.in where I publish blog related to education and parenting. I send newsletters to parents to raise awareness about mindful education and conscious parenting here educationnext.beehiiv.com
    I was wondering how are you letting people know about your website.

  5. 1

    When do you officially finish building the project?
    And what do you plan on doing after you're done with the product?

  6. 1

    Hi there,
    Pretty cool to hear that! I am working on a project to make dictations easier: flashdictation.com.
    Are you interested to partner?

    Cheers, Kiru

    1. 1

      Hey Kiru,
      Your project looks great. Design is super neat. 👌

      Currently I’m not looking for a partner. :) Will keep you in mind to discuss if I change my plan in future.

      Thank you.

      1. 1

        Thank you very much.

  7. 1

    Awesome, hope your launch goes well! Good time to enter the home schooling market. I hope to homeschool my children when the time comes, hopefully, I’ll remember this resource!

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      Thank you for kind words, Rjbrown3.

  8. 1

    What is your USP ?

    1. 1

      In the first MVP version of the product, we are helping homeschoolers find vetted resources by other homeschoolers. Parents can read reviews & share feedback on resources categorized by topics.

      1. 1

        Sounds good. Best of luck with it !!

  9. 1

    Hello Syeda, great wish you the best of luck with the project and all the other responsibilities . I think this is a great timing for this project. How do you plan to monetize the directory?

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      Thank you, Linkology.

      Our plan is to promote featured resources.

  10. 1

    I don’t have a question, but thought I’d wish you much luck! Building, teaching and being a full time mum sounds exhausting! :)

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      Thank you, Shanunau.
      Our approach towards homeschooling is more of unschooling. We aim to raise a self-directed learner who will be least dependant on us. :-)

  11. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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