Im looking for feedback from you who are investing/ day trading


Im looking for feedback from you who are investing/ day trading.

I considering making a software that can scan through 1000s of datasets and find correlating indicators to a specific stock or asset class desired to invest in.

Would any of you use it and would you be willing to pay for it and if so how much per month?


posted to
on January 28, 2021
  1. 1

    sounds like a lot of other tools out there so probably not until i understood the specifics a little further

    also if you're targeting retail day traders like r/wsb it would have to be extremely simple to use

    1. 1

      Definitely, more details, please.
      Does it alert you, find groups of trades, give arrows, draw you a map of the setup and how to manage trades...?

    2. 1

      Thanks for the input

      I'll build a test version and provide a link here in the forum for those of you who want to see further!

      My Best

      Emil Brobert

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