I'm so close, but so far away

Greeting Indi Hackers. I'm so close to my objective but still, feel so far away. I'm building the application I want, which works for a few trusted friends and me.

However, now I'm getting bogged down in adding features for public consumption, like email signup and a payment method. All of these features are new to me, so I don't know what I don't know, and I find myself doing anything to avoid these last few steps.

I'm drawn to implementing the nice-to-haves instead of what's essential.

Anybody currently experiencing a similar situation? If so, what is bogging you down, and what are you doing to get past it?


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    May be you are looking for SaaS starter kits. I write about this kind of stuff at Micro SaaS Ideas

    If you are a little bit technical, I would highly suggest you to try some SaaS starter kits which are more like out of the box solutions with basic components like email signups, payments etc.

    Using SaaS starter kits typically saves you a lot of time with common features like user profile, billing, authentication, etc. Below are a few SaaS starter kits I personally recommend. Don’t spend too much time writing your code base from scratch for basic functionalities like CRUD operation, Authentication, Billing.

    • UseGravity: Build a Node.js & React SaaS app at warp speed. Gravity is a leading Node.js & React SaaS boilerplate. You can get all features you need in a single install.
    • SaaSPegasus: The Django SaaS Starter Kit. Pegasus ships with a gallery of common SaaS use-cases, ready to use in your own project.
    • DivJoy: React code base generator that works with Material UI, Firebase, Stripe, Vercel, and Mailchimp**.
    • SaaS Starter Kits: A starter template with Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, and more. A Laravel starter kit with subscriptions, invoices, default pages, tests, pipelines, development tooling and deployment solutions.
    • ServerlessPage: Build a SaaS faster with React Serverless SaaS is aiming to be the perfect starting point for your next React app to build full-stack SaaS applications. Save time and skip implementing authentication, payments, teams, and more.
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      Thanks @upenv, I had no idea such a thing existed. I searched the world over and came up dry. I guess it is all about the buzz words. I'll look into these for sure.

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    Hey Dave, not sure how far along in the build you are and what options you're looking for, but you'll me able to get all the features you need and more with Memberstack - super easy implementation too

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    Hard relate Dave. I am newbie Front end developer, who has been putting off trying to get a backend together. Have decided to use AWS amplify for hosting, database etc. (I haven't learned any backend language) - But am scared as I have no idea what I am doing - so I have been putting it off... And now I am literally at a "coding retreat" (by myself, away from home and kids and full time work).

    And now what am I doing...? Posting on Indie hackers instead of trying to design my DB schema...

    I can imagine I will be the same with hooking up Stripe for payments which I also haven't done yet.

    How I am trying to do it (apart from some positive self talk ugh) is breaking it down into tiny steps.

    Tiny steps seems more achievable.

    All the best!

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      Thanks @Krystie_Tsukio. Tiny steps help with moving forward for sure. I've gone through many of these dips in productivity as I learned my way through FireBase; A great platform with difficult documentation.

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