I'm working on a tool to help TailwindCSS developers

Hello everybody!

My name is Guillermo and I'm working on a browser extension to help TailwindCSS developers be more efficient. I would really appreciate some honest feedback on my landing page and MVP demo.

Clicking on "Try Here" and hovering the mouse around the page let's you try out the tool right on the page. You can inspect, edit, and add utility classes to any of the elements. This demo is not available on mobile.

Any feedback is really appreciated!

posted to Icon for group TailwindCSS
on February 25, 2021
  1. 2

    Hi @guillermocoding, nice resource! Are you planning to compete with windy: https://usewindy.com/?

    1. 1

      Thanks @vivianguillen! and great comparison, I do think both of these tools are in the same space but windy looks like it is focused on converting non-tailwindcss components and copying those styles. With TailwindFlow, you can copy, add and edit existing TailwindCSS classes right on the page.

      1. 2

        Ah, gotcha! I see the difference now, very cool tool

        1. 1

          Thanks! Let me know if there is anything confusing about the landing page or anything you would change about the tool.

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