I'm writing an article about personal finances as a founder/entrepreneur. Wanna share your story?

Hey folks, my name is Gab and I'm the cofounder of Allswealth, a financial planner for Canadians. I'm currently writing an article about personal finances for founders and I believe it would be great to get the input of some of you.

I'm not sure if Indie Hacker put rel="dofollow" on their links but I'm planning to link back to your website on the article.

I'm looking for the following information:
-Your best advice for founders regarding money management/personal finances?
-A mistake you did that they should not repeat.
-Why personal finance is important and how that helped you?
-Your name, your work title, and your website.

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    Hi Gabriel,

    1. Best advice is to track your expenses for each cent.
    2. A mistake. If you are a developer and want to start a business to make money, it is better to build a career instead.
    3. Lack of money brings uncertainty and huge limits to your actions, so there is much less courage to take risky steps. Also, a good credit situation allows you to make bolder decisions.
    4. Sasha Bondar, Founder at Reintech, reintech.io
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    I wrote a financial post last week about how I was homeless.

    1. Best advice. Don't buy materialistic things to impress people you don't care about.

    2. A mistake that I regret is renting a 1 bedroom apartment when I got my first developer job. I should have either rented a room in a shared house or live out of my car.

    3. I highly value freedom and to be an impact in the world. The lack of money, is the main obstacle to that.

    4. Michael Truong, Founder at Dotling, Dotling.

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