"Increase price" was the #1 feedback from alpha users

Hello everybody,

I recently launched pre-orders to https://uibun.dev and I got many early-access users and purchases.

Last month I spoke to multiple users that actively use UiBun and the top feedback from them was that the product was highly underpriced.

I was skeptical about increasing prices while the product was still not fully launched, but I decided to give it a shot by increasing the price to €149 for a week. And to my surprise, I started getting emails from multiple users requesting to provide access to the product at the previous price.

As a result of increasing prices, I now have more interest from the users and also generated new leads. So, I decided to revert the product back to the original price (€49) until Jan 10.

It was a good experiment that led me to understand the users better. I'll keep you posted about my future experiments and strategies with the product.

posted to
on January 3, 2024
  1. 2

    Interesting! I can share the same learning we had recently with the mentalport app

    1. 1

      Great! Looking forward to it..

  2. 2

    Most of the big companies are using these kind of strategies which called neuromarketing. I think, it makes something related with FOMO feels in our brains, when the prices increases. It may be useful to investigate further practical applications of this subject.

    1. 2

      Yes, it's very interesting how people react to price increase. It creates a sense of missing out on offers which creates a sense of urgency to buy the product.

  3. 2

    Recognising user feedback and making necessary adjustments shows flexibility Looking forward to hearing about your future endeavors.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much <3 I'll keep posting updates

  4. 2

    I increased the price for my design subscription agency https://www.pentaclay.com without getting a single client.

    After the increase, I got 3 clients.

    Don't get me wrong, price increase didn't get me clients, I felt super motivated after the increase and used write methods of marketing.

    1. 1

      Oh yeah, being able to collect more money helps reach revenue goals faster, and ultimately help the product be built better

    2. 3

      This comment was deleted a month ago.

  5. 2

    Funny how the psychology of price increases works. Good call!

    1. 1

      Oh yes!! Gotta see how I could get some eyes for my FOMO experiments

  6. 1

    Sounds like you found yourself in quite a tricky situation. Hopefully you managed to come out of it on top!

    1. 1

      Yes, ended up creating a UI for creating FOMO and ended up getting 2 more orders. Wrote about it here: https://indiehackers.com/post/fomo-design-helped-me-get-2-new-pre-orders-within-2-hours-5cdc4bde09

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