Indie Hacker Feature Request

I'm an indie dev like many of you, and while this community brings me a lot of value, it's not really what I need most.

What I need most is peers.

I work on my own, on my own little thing, and it gets lonely and frankly sometimes I don't know if I'm crazy or two steps away from genius.

What I want is a cohort of people with whom I share my progress and stay accountable.

So, can this site accommodate this functionality? Am I the only one who needs this?

PS: I'm more than willing to pay for this service.

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    There are several paid services out there, some of them born here. What would differ if indiehackers implement this.

    You can pay me if you like, use my twitter inbox as your to-do list. I'll review and roast it in a weekly basis :) Jokes aside, share more, connect with more people so you'll feel accountable for what you do. It won't magically happen when you pay for $5 or $50.

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      I'd would be tremendously thankful if you pointed out an already working service like what I described!

      On the note of why implementing it here, it sounds like a perfectly aligned business model for this site.

      There's something magical that happens when people pay for something. Of course you can get feedback by other means, but the act of "joining a gym", makes a difference. You get the implicit commitment, but also you are no longer talking to the void, but to 5-10 other creators that breath the same kind of problems you do.

      Maybe it's just me, but I believe, I would greatly benefit from something like this.

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        I like the gym analogy, indiehackers is a public park in that sense.

        These are the public gyms, encourages you to show up daily to keep your streak.

        Private gyms, with gym bros, peering and meetups.

        and more here;

        My offer for the twitter inbox still on the table tho :) GL finding your community.

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