Indie hackers using Substack notes?

Just looking to see if there are any indie hackers using substack notes the same way they use Twitter. I want to make the feed some what interesting instead of just the big players it puts there by default.

So anyone with a substack account share pls!

I'm at https://substack.com/@iamiain

  1. 3

    I started it this year only to promote my Psychology newsletter (been running it for 3+ years now). Will share results soon!

    Followed you! Find me at https://substack.com/@psych

  2. 2

    I was using notes for a while but haven't recently. I did find it helpful, so maybe I'll try again.


  3. 1

    I started to use notes much more this year.

    I'll give you a follow and I'm at https://substack.com/@juanfrank

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