Indie lifestyle tracker [free Notion template]

I’m always looking for ways to stay disciplined in a way that works for me. Being indiependent means improving your personal and work life in a way that works for you.

The theory is that if I’m feeling good it enables me to do better indiependent work, having a good lifestyle is key for this.

Typically I avoid new year's resolutions and Notion templates (because I find creating things from scratch works better), but I found myself creating a lifestyle tracker to hopefully help me focus and keep track of the things that are important to me.

It’s one single database list designed to be updated daily. The idea is to update the numbers and categories to something that makes sense to you. There's an option to write daily too.

Feel free to ‘Duplicate’ or use it as a source of inspiration. It's free and no strings attached.

👉 Get Notion Template

  1. 2

    Love this! Thank you for sharing with the community :-)

  2. 1

    This is awesome Rosie! I've been doing something similar in Notion for over 500 days.

    I keep track of when I go to bed/roll out of bed, moods across the day, what I eat, coffee, whether I've had a good/productive day, and morning/evening journals.

    I absolutely love doing it and it's a great way to decompress a given moment in my life, and get it out of my head.

  3. 1

    Thanks for the share! I've been wanting to start a daily wrap up lately with a few prompts like gratitude, what I learned, accomplishments. This will be a great starter!

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