Indie Starter for Indie Hackers

I've begun putting together this Indie Starter kit using Next.js and Supabase mainly for my own use, but why not make some dollar bills from it? Right now, I'm scratching my head about how to boost credibility, like getting some social proof vibes using Senja platform from day one.

If you want to track the project's evolution, just visit https://indie-starter.dev?ref=indiehackers to stay in the loop!

  1. 2

    this sounds like a good idea!

  2. 2

    How about starting a community behind your product? This creates "live" testimonials, and hence, trust for others to join.

    1. 1

      I created a Discord server https://discord.gg/gZMBUAvpBU, but no engagement yet, do you have a better idea?

  3. 2

    Certainly! Let's include a few pizazz:

    1. Rave Surveys:
      Assemble shining input from clients.
    2. Influencer Affect:
      Group up with trendsetters to underwrite your item.
    3. Client Stories:
      Share captivating stories of client encounters.
    4. Master Engagements:
      Collaborate with industry pioneers for included specialist.
    5. Grant Grandstand:
      Parade your wins and media notices gladly.
    6. Buzzworthy Upgrades:
      Utilize energetic instruments to highlight client movement.
    7. Community Association:
      Develop a dynamic space for clients to bond and flourish.

    With these adroit moves, observe your validity take off and your client base thrive! Keep enhancing and remaining tuned in to client needs!

    1. 1

      thank you for sharing!

  4. 2

    Building on Indie starter kit is a great idea.

  5. 1

    I am using this combination and it is actually a good one. How do you plan to market it? Good luck!

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