Inside Ember - Features you should know about

Have we talked about Ember before? I don't think so. So here is a small introduction to this framework:

Ember.js is a JavaScript framework for web development with various features that make web app creation easier and faster.

This post highlights the component-based architecture, two-way data binding, and convention over configuration approach that make Ember.js a popular choice among developers. If you are interested in web development, join in our newborn group on IH!

Component-Based Architecture

Ember.js has a component-based architecture, breaking down the application into smaller components that can be reused across the application. This makes updating and maintaining the application easier, encourages code reusability, and facilitates faster development.

Two-Way Data Binding

Ember.js has two-way data binding, with changes to the application's data automatically reflected in the user interface and vice versa. This eliminates the need for extra code and reduces the code required to build an application more efficiently.

Convention Over Configuration

Ember.js follows the "Convention over Configuration" principle, with default conventions for developers to build their applications. This approach saves developer time in configuring the framework, and Ember.js provides file and folder structures, naming conventions, and code organization to make applications consistent and easy to maintain.

But we should also mention that Ember has included stuff like state management, routing, and other features since the beginning, contrary to a less feature-rich library.

  • Built-in development environment;
  • Glimmer-based client-side rendering;
  • Interactive reloading of web pages;
  • Completely fledged templating mechanism;
  • The Handlebar templating engine support;
  • Stability without stagnancy.

As you can see, Ember.js is a powerful and popular JavaScript framework that has several unique features and peculiarities. It provides a lot of built-in functionality, making it easier for developers to build complex web applications. However, it also has a steeper learning curve and can be a relatively heavy framework. In addition to this topic, it might be interesting to check the Ember vs React performance comparison in the article below:


Despite its drawbacks, Ember.js remains a popular choice for building
web applications due to its robust architecture, strong community, and cohesive ecosystem.

posted to
on April 20, 2023
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