Invitation to join Clubhouse… the IH group ;)

👉 Join up! This Clubhouse isn't invite-only. There's already plenty to discuss right here on IH:

(Also, does anyone want to mod this group?)

posted to
on January 28, 2021
  1. 1

    Awesome group!

    Keen to help mod :)

    1. 2

      great, just added you as a co-moderator

  2. 1

    I started running two weekly shows on Clubhouse

    1. 12 pm GMT on Mondays - inviting few Tech CEOs of tech companies who have raised investment in 2021 to share their stories https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/0mg89eBP
    2. 4 pm GMT on Thursdays - chat with an investor on a selected topic. Yesterday was about the role Family Offices pay

    Happy to join some of your shows.

  3. 1

    Oooh the network effect is a really interesting topic. I actually wonder if it's the opposite case, and that the quality of conversations will deteriorate once more users start using it? Right now it seems to be somewhat curated, with some high profile names. Not sure what will happen when it becomes a free-for-all.

    I was also wondering how Clubhouse managed to create so much hype about its product when it's still in beta (and for iphones only) and came across this article talking about some product psychology concepts that they use, which I thought was interesting: https://thisweekintech.substack.com/p/welcome-to-the-clubhouse

    1. 1

      Agree about what will happen when it becomes a free-for-all. It feels noisy now and just wait until it opens up. I had heard they gave out equity to celebs to start conversations.

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