Is AI or humans better at generating SEO-optimized titles?

I've just launched this study to hear from SEO experts, about which title would rank better for a specific keyword. One title is generated by AI, and the other is part of an actual, published blog post.

I will be publishing the results in the next week - so stay tuned!

Here's the link to the study: https://www.enwrite.co/study

posted to
on January 2, 2023
  1. 1

    There might be some cases where AI have written better SEO optimized titles but human content is far more generic than a machine generated title.

    AI will only transform the way we write, humans have to do the rest

  2. 1

    Anyday human written content is far better. AI can help you with the outlines but after some time they start repeating information in long-form content!

    1. 1

      I completely agree! That's why I built Enwrite that only generates titles, descriptions, outlines, introductions, and descriptions. It's made for writers to be able to save time and still actually do the writing.

      1. 2

        Not gonna lie, you have made something that the market needs at the moment! Congrats on the product!

  3. 1

    Why does your product not adhere to SEO standards when it is supposed to be focused on SEO?

    1. 1

      Actually, it does! I built Enwrite to only generates titles, descriptions, outlines, introductions, and descriptions. It's made for writers to be able to save time and still actually do the writing.

      1. 1

        I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear. It's your own website. I'm trying to get the metatags info using metatags.io. But the description and image is not available. Btw, I just added your product here.

        1. 1

          Oh, sorry. I didn't understand the question. I know it's a small thing to do, but I've skipped the SEO part for the beta stage, as I found other means of user acquisition more effective. When you are working on a project on the side, you have to make these compromises!

  4. 1

    Just be aware that google will penalize low quality AI content now, so it might be good to have some human input as well for the AI.

    AI should be a tool at this stage, not a replacement.

    An example is my website, Evoke, most of the descriptions and meta descriptions are made with ChatGPT, but I vetted them to make sure they were high quality and did some tweaking.

    1. 1

      I am aware of that. My experiment is mostly about the quality of the content since I run a similar product myself, https://www.enwrite.co, which is specifically trained to generate SEO-optimized content.

      1. 2

        Cool! Good luck on your endeavors!

  5. 1

    Amazing! this is something I'm wondering about since ChatGPT launched. I can see there are still issues with creating compelling titles, and sometimes titles are way too long and it doesn't respect character length.

    1. 1

      This is something I've been wondering about as well. My product https://www.enwrite.co is literally optimized to do just that, so it would be nice to see it against an actual human.

      All AI titles are generated from there!

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