Is anyone on Indie Hackers actually using Clubhouse?

Now that the novelty is wearing off with Clubhouse, I feel like we've all decided whether to invest our time in it or not.

So I'm curious: anyone here using Clubhouse regularly? And if so, what do you think? (Is it worth spending time on? Is it making you any money? etc.)

posted to Icon for group Clubhouse
on March 14, 2021
  1. 21

    No, because it's iOS only. Which in 2021 is just silly.

    1. 4

      Much as I love Android and the Google ecosystem, if even Google has an iOS-first or iOS-only strategy why shouldn't third-party developers?

      1. 2

        Long story short it's not in their interest to have their app widely available.

    2. 2

      Agreed, this is a big blocker

    3. 1

      I would actually call this pathetic, because that's what it is

  2. 12

    clubhouse novelty wore off big-time... i mean, it was fun to listen in but the real value was the folks who recorded it for on-demand listening LATER.

    this isn't something i'm going to be putting too much time into... i have a product to build... and business to operate... and community to love on.


  3. 8

    I'm not enjoying Clubhouse. Podcasts and audiobooks are better listens.

  4. 7

    Nah the density of useful information on Clubhouse is too low compared to Podcasts/Blogs/Newsletters. You need to spend too much on there to get any value.

  5. 7

    No, using Twitter Spaces, more inclusive (iOS only is a nonsense), plus it is on Twitter so no need to join yet another social media app.

    1. 1

      This is similar to what I think.

      Content creators on Twitter can really leverage their social capital.

      Also, the listener only experience on CH is not as good as Twitter Spaces

    2. 1

      I think I might start using Twitter Spaces as well, however I feel as if Twitter is diluting their brand too much.

  6. 6

    I got invited by a person that has been in my address book for 10 years but I haven't spoken to in 4 years. So clearly they just ripped her address book. Anyway, I downloaded and ran it and it asked me to let it read my entire address book...

    ...f(*&**&k off Clubhouse. Such arrogant data theft is soooooooo 2014 and you have just lost the half of the planet that woke up to this business model 2 years ago and aint interested. See yah!

  7. 4

    I average 30-1hr when im on the app, maybe 3-4 days a week. And have averaged 2-4 presales and 3-5 new connections a week so far from it. Clubhouse is a powerhouse for networking and marketing right now (in my perspective). Once the app goes android and open to all, I just hope the algorithm for searching for rooms is much greater than what it is right now.

    I stick to rooms that benefit and match my buyers personas for my product. And I like rooms <40 generally. You must speak to gain anything, so if you enjoy talking conversations, clubhouse will benefit you.

    I found most of the time people will want to know what you do. Especially if you keep your profile vague in a way that people will want to ask you a question.

    I'm only speaking for right now right, the app could go in a whole different direction.

    1. 0

      👆🏻 This 💯. it's just a great moment for Clubhouse to be around. Covid makes connecting IRL more difficult, and its format just fills in a need for a lot of people looking to connect with others and discuss topics.

      A great new channel to provide value and get to know people (and score work if you built the right trust and connections)

  8. 3

    I always think of https://clubhouse.io when I read about clubhouse

    1. 2

      Haha that's exactly what I was thinking, especially when all the news came out. I was pleasantly confused by what was being said in the media in comparison to my own experience. I actually thought it was some crazy pivot :D

  9. 3

    I'm not, but mostly because I'd rather invest in Twitter Spaces. Then again, I haven't started using Twitter Spaces much either.

    1. 1

      I just never see any spaces. Maybe i'm following the wrong people (or the right ones)

  10. 2

    No. I've only seen Clubhouse referenced on IndieHackers and a few entrepreneurs on Twitter. None of my real-life friends have mentioned it.

  11. 1

    Clubhouse for me is audio LinkedIn. There’s some value, but it’s mostly people spending the entire day telling you how successful they are. It’s the complete opposite ethos of the individuals who I respect here on IH, people that are actually building companies and products.

    I do like some of the opportunities to hear non-tech individuals speak like the founder of The Onion, but I feel like I spend most of my time on there trying to figure out how there’s so many Forbes 30 under 30 recipients and individuals who have scaled multiple 8-figure businesses that I’ve never heard of.

    Also, If there’s that many polymaths on CH, why can’t any of them code or use proper grammar when speaking?

  12. 1

    Currently, I'm worried about my time. I join if I need to.
    I'm focusing on learning. I'm on clubhouse but not active.
    I'm using twitter spaces and telegram voice as well.

  13. 1

    I enjoy the app when I find a smaller room of people that I connect with. It would be a great improvement if it had a better filter to find what you want to see.
    If you decide to use it, this has worked for me:

    -Subscribe to people you know from other places
    -Join some relevant clubs
    -Avoid subscribing to famous random people.

    There are still some useless rooms around, but mainly you will have relevant content.

  14. 1

    I found it interesting for around two days and then I felt like it wasn't bringing my any value (and I couldn't provide any). I much prefer podcasts, as they seem to be more efficient in conveying information. Also didn't want to adjust my schedule so that I could listen in to the interesting discussions (it's almost like watching cable TV, which I stopped doing quite some time ago for the same reasons).

    So now it's just another App on my home screen that I don't use and will probably delete soon.

  15. 1

    I think I used it for 3 hours the day I got the invite and I haven't been back since.

  16. 1

    I've tapped into a few conversations but find it too chaotic and much like several people who have posted already, it's hard to sort the 'wheat from the chaff'.. so I haven't bothered again. If you can't actually participate in a conversation - then I think you're better off listening to podcasts.

  17. 1

    I checked it out to learn it, but I don't actively use it. Didn't get that much value out of it.

  18. 1

    I have certainly slowed down my time on the app, but I do use it a couple of different ways regularly:

    1. As a kind of "background noise" like talk radio, where I put on something random that I don't need to stare at, particularly those conversations that are esoteric and hopefully have a musical or performance component (I have really enjoyed some live DJ sessions and even some plays).
    2. I attend a one or two weekly that are specific to my industry (fashion tech), where I have made connections with the people hosting the room. They're more likely to pull me on stage for the discussion.

    I will say that the hype factor on people's profiles is ridiculous sometimes, but there are legit many interesting people on it that I'd never meet another way. I do think CH is unlike any other platform from a diversity and discovery perspective. I really like that it seems quite supportive of diverse voices and ideas overall. And the occasional celebrity drop-in is pretty cool too ;-)

  19. 1

    I'm using it (Luca Dellanna), it's great to get feedback from your readers / users, but it doesn't seem great for monetization.

  20. 1

    Enjoyed it at first but found it less inclusive as it's grown. Can't raise my hand in most of the discussions and if I do get a chance to ask for insights I have to wait in queue for 30mins + to learn about something specific to me.

  21. 1

    Just like any social network, there is rubbish and there are gems.

    Clubhouse is no different. Its differentiator is that it's using audio which makes it easier to "put on" alongside your day-to-day doings behind a laptop.

    I've enjoyed some conversations. But you have to look at it as a seminar with speakers and the possibility to ask questions when you first start out.

    Just like those stage settings, you will need to put in effort to retain the mic and time to give your value directly.

    Shameless plug:
    I've noticed how important (and also, hard) it is to create a proper profile that really fits the social network so I'm working on a profile editor that uses best practices on how to set up your Clubhouse profile. - Clubprofile.xyz

  22. 1

    I won't use it - the whole 'invite only', 'we're so exclusive' vibe is awful. The tech equivalent of another era's gentleman's club 💩

  23. 1

    I prefer podcasts and audiobooks as well. And when you pair podcasts with something like https://www.airr.io/ then you can both listen on x1.5 speed and take "Airr quotes" which are basically recordings of the last 45 seconds. Once I started taking notes on audio it was game over for any audio experience, including youtube, clubhouse, spaces, etc.

  24. 1

    I also tried to use, but podcasts are better choice I think.

  25. 1

    Not since Twitter Spaces came out

  26. 1

    I used it for about 3 days and then just...forgot about it.

  27. 1

    I sometimes listen in, mostly just seeing notifications coming from the app though (a lot).

  28. 1

    I feel as if Clubhouse is a really poor idea, and the only reason it took off is the exclusivity aspect of it.

  29. 1

    I'm using it for conversations with interesting people and for inspiration. It's really good if you find the right "rooms" and topics. It's great against isolation if you are living in lockdown like me.
    Making money from it? I don't think it's a real opportunity for that.

  30. 1

    Yes. We run a session every Monday at 12 pm GMT having a discussion with 5 UK tech founders who have raised investment.

    More info https://www.deallite.uk/events/uk-tech-investment-weekly-episode-6/

    Direct link to event https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/mJzLb4Ob

  31. 1

    As a listener, I find it too time-consuming. I am not able to position its content - casual niche gossips (for which its hard to take out time) or content worth spending time on (which is not easily discoverable).

  32. 1

    Yeah I'm still using it. There are some good groups and some of the presenters are starting to get into their grooves... I think there's a few things they could add to make it a big better though... and yes I see no reason why there shouldn't be an Android version... not hard to make a cross-platform app these days

  33. 1

    I wasn't able to get an invite + don't have an iOS device (except iPad). The hype that was there initially has died for me now.

  34. 1

    I enjoy it quite a bit and use it sporadically. Ironically my most convenient time to use it is in the late evening, when the content selection doesn’t quite work sometimes. I’ve listened in on dozens of pitch and startup help rooms though, and see some action happening. Seems like a decent tool for deal flow for investors. From where I sit anyway.

    I also see some huge activity corresponding with NFT and Creator Coins happening, which is extremely interesting to me. There is a golden window here, I can smell the air coming through it.

    So I’ll keep it installed

  35. 1

    I have an Android phone so I didn't get on the hype train. But I'm loving Twitter spaces especially because most of us hang out there anyways. If I see something interesting, I can drop in. It's convenient.

  36. 1

    I opened the app multiples times a day for a week to see if I could catch any cool conversations happening, It was an easy decision to just delete the app entirely after finding very few high-quality convos I'd actually want to be a part of (the Stripe one was actually the only one I wanted to jump into).

    Also the power to spread false information and fake news on the platform seemed like it could easily get out of control. The web needs better, more dynamic moderation and Clubhouse does not seem to be leaning in that direction.

  37. 1

    Social platforms are just math equations. Sooner or later the traction curve will conform to the underlying unit economics, like light getting sucked into a black hole.

  38. 1

    I am using space: joinspace.app. It's iOS, Android and Web. Same idea but more focused on community chats that you make. Not open rooms for public consumption. I invited my Better Sheets community for office hours and brainstorm sessions. Been a fun time so far. Still early in my experience.

  39. 1

    I have completely stopped using it after the first week or so. The incessant popup notifications are becoming really annoying so I may delete the app altogether or change the notification settings to 'never'.

    Basically, I found it to be a big time sink. Most of the conversations I was genuinely interested in were happening in US timezones (I am in Australia), so were completely outside of my 'normal' listening time availability. And it was getting really hard to discover genuine speakers on there from among the mass of spruikers, so I simply stopped engaging.

    Rather than wait for someone I respect to be in a scheduled room, I would far rather find a podcast that they were in and listen to that on my walk or according to my schedule.

  40. 1

    I'm still using it but not as much as I was. The megarooms are not worth the time investment. Smaller rooms with only a handful of speakers allow you time to actually speak longer than a few seconds every 20 minutes without hogging the room.

    I've landed several clients from smaller rooms. It's easy marketing in that there's no content planning or time spent creating. Spending 30 minutes having an off-the-cuff conversation that translates to business is very appealing.

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      If I were take the shots I'd keep it exclusive to iOS and watch how Android users couldn't stop talking about it.

      I could see this maaaaybe working if Twitter Spaces hadn't launched for Android users. But next month when every Twitter user — for Android and iOS alike — is hosting and joining spaces and satisfying their curiosity, I think Clubhouse's mystique will be gone.

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