Is anyone using Vimeo's new screen recording service?

Been using Loom for ages to do screen-share messages but it stopped working the other day.

Oh, and I can never remember how to stop the darn thing recording!

Then Vimeo launched their screen-recording software, it just seems so much better. Is anyone else using it?

Cracked out this little gem yesterday to send to our waitlist:


Can any pro video people give me some tips on making this better? Assume you're talking to an idiot because, in some respects, you are.


posted to
on January 21, 2021
  1. 1

    Nice! I switched to OBS after the big Loom pricing update, but it's not as easy to share those videos.

    Your video is fine -- I would work on raising your camera a bit (it's weird when your hands come into frame to type). Maybe a bit of fill lighting but really not necessary (removes some of the harshness of shadows).

    1. 1

      Thank you for these ideas. The camera is built into the bar underneath my laptop screen, it's such a weird place for it to be. I think an external video input is probably the answer.

  2. 1

    Oh interesting, I didn't realise they had one.

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