Is Elon Musk owning Twitter good or bad for society?

Here's my take. There are two levels to analyze this

  1. Individual

In the modern era, Elon Musk is pushing the boundaries of impact that a businessman can single handedly manifest. Along the way, theories of innovation and organization may need updating to account for the transformation he's unleashed on our planet. We seem to benefit from the real-world stretch of imagination we're witnessing.

Verdict: good

  1. Societal

As a collective whole, humanity has experimented with different forms of control over other entities. From a societal level, the Twitter takeover has no precedent in terms of a man's majority control over a communication medium. Hence, we as society or government have no rules or heuristics to deal with such a situation. Based on what Elon intends to do, it seems like he has good intentions. But it also seems that he has not considered the magnitude of complexity he's picking up.

Verdict: coin-toss

  1. 2

    I think there is no problem as long as he doesn't really use the platform only for his own interest. And also I hope he improves the way content is filtered so we only read and see what's factual despite the rampant disinformation the app.

  2. 2

    definitely bad. media should be as independent as possible. a billionair owning one of the most important media outlets in the digital age is the exact opposite of independence.

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