Is everybody here completely useless?

I recently started using this website to look for serious business people looking to work together. So far, in the last week, I've dealt with nothing but time wasters.

One of these people was some kid who wanted to talk about how great he was for scamming people with an online jewelry store, and the epic sacrifice he made to give up on stealing to be "CMO of an AI startup." I guess paying for facebook ads and a charge-back protection company was too much for a side hustle. He then insulted me and my business partner, asking what we have to offer him. The kicker? He wanted someone to do LITERALLY all the work for him. His post literally says that, and its still up. What do we have to offer? We're the only ones willing to touch such a bad deal, and that's all I had to let him know before he started begging me to help him over text. Mister Tough Guy did a 180 once he realized no one was going to give him the attention he desired. Pathetic.

Another is some loser who comes on here crying about how none of his "cofounders" are useful. I later found out, this hard-working, exacting individual was NOT ONLY okay with bringing on 2 engineers AS COFOUNDERS doing less than 10hrs/wk, but admitted to spending less than full time on his project because... Yeah, he waffled on that. First, it was because they were useless and he felt undervalued. What a strong leader, right? Then, when I called him out on being the most pathetic leader I ever heard of, he informs me that there is no leader for his company and the reason he spends so little effort on his work is because they're a team. Yes, I typed that correctly. No, it'll never make sense.

One dude was acting like we were best friends about to take over the world. As soon as I hung up, I realized he said literally nothing about anything. A fucking technical recruiter is wasting my time, too???? Noice.

I've been ghosted over ten times. I don't do calls any more because apparently everyone here is a LARPer. I'm LUCKY to get a bullshitter super-narcissist on the phone, so now I screen through email since its clearly a bigger numbers game than I realized.

My favorite was the guy last night who didn't understand the concept of risk vs reward in business and ended up calling me the F slur until I asked him if he was stupid enough to share his real, personal phone number with someone on the internet. Haven't heard from him since, but I'm happy knowing his phone will be blown all the way up to Mars until even after the day he dies. Fortunately, he's stupid enough to post his number in several corners of the internet, and when it updates, my script will run again.

I am so fucking sick of having my time wasted. Does anyone here actually intend on making money, or do all of you want to be a wantrepreneur for the rest of your life? Every single person on here is either dead broke or a wage slave. This website was BUILT for people who want better than that, so I'm just wondering if I got here late and the party is over.

posted to Icon for group Meta
on December 22, 2023
  1. 1

    Ha-ha, it sounds like you have been having a rough time of it. Don't worry, maybe the right people are just waiting out there to join forces with you! Hang in there.

  2. 1

    Yeah I was sent here by a very convincing Reddit post. It’s been mixed so far. 🤷‍♂️

  3. 1

    I just joined today, just came across the site and it sounded interesting. I'm cofounder of a startup called GraceBlocks, and we're looking to find people to work with who could help us grow the business. Your posting was literally the first one I clicked on and it now has got me thinking maybe this site is a waste of time?

    I don't have time to deal with people who are not authenticate and actually wanting to build something. Any recommendations for other sites that might be better?

    1. 1

      I heard startup school matchmaking was good, but they turned my profile down. Wouldn't tell me why, told me to go to an FAQ so that's a 0/10 from me. YC is a bunch of pretentious fart sniffers who want to bring that Harvard/Stanford elitist nonsense into the 21st century, anyways. Who needs 'em?

      I hear people on the IndieHackers podcast making money, but it occurred to me: the people who have been on here for more than a month are probably a bunch of LARPers. Think about it, once you got what you need from here, you'll be busy working again. Once you make enough money, you're not really the audience for this place yet. Its like a support group for people who haven't made it. I'm not hating, obviously I'm here. Just saying.

      They should have a matching system on here. Make it easy to see who's just on here wishing they were the star of a fucking soap opera.

      I can't find anywhere else that even has a community, though, so I'm gonna stick it out on here. I was thinking I'll start a series of posts on here detailing my trials and tribulations to ultimately get more people to see the shit I want to promote.

      My strategy now is to get my shit to blow up on here so that when those right people are looking on here, they see me looking for help. I'll get something trending, post for help, and keep adding to trending posts to make myself like a black hole sucking in all the people looking for a juicy read. Some of these people make me feel like I walked into a novel like I'm on Blue's Clues. For instance, this guy yesterday blew off my call, I asked him why he wasted my time, and he told me he was in the hospital, unconscious for a period of time that started before he contacted me several times before the call. Its fucking wild out here, bro.

      I assumed this would get deleted IMMEDIATELY like it would have on that god awful website, reddit, but I have even more respect for Courtland than I already did for leaving this criticism up. Not to mention, its blowing up relative to what I normally get on the internet. Must be the negativity in the title.

  4. 1

    I can honestly say my negative experiences haven't been as bad as what you've faced, but overall it's not been as good as I was expecting.

    One of my previous projects was doing really well, I identified customers which could be used for a different but related niche and started looking for a technical person to join on this new venture. During which, I focused on onboarding customers to this new idea. We had a call which seemed to go well and we got set up. They said they could put in 10 hours a week which seemed brilliant... Until 3 months later, they had done nothing, not even updated me to say they didn't have time. We were only looking for an MVP in the first week. I put the MVP together myself in an afternoon and told them it wasn't going to work out.

    3 months wasted on something I did myself.

    I guess you're right. Maybe they want to feel like they are part of something without doing anything.

    1. 1

      I'll tell you a secret about engineers. We can muiti-task like everybody else, but we do not do engineering on more than one thing at a singular time in our life. Anybody who disagrees is a hole-puncher who goes after tasks on a list made by another engineer. To take responsibility for engineering something, you have to allow it to marinate fully in your mind so that when its most inconvenient (in the shower, on the toilet, sleeping, etc) you come up with the perfect solution.

      10hrs/wk from an engineer only means "fuck you, give me money!" At least by my standards.

      I don't think you should be making the amount of time relevant, anyways though. That's not how engineering works. Particularly when it comes to software engineers, the amount of time given for a project is 90% of how long it will take. That's why Steve Jobs was a legend. He didn't know anything about computers, so when the engineers said it was impossible, he said "do it in 9 months or your fired" and it would be done in 10 months.

      Milestones are all that matter to business people as well as engineers, so its best to keep it simplified: "here's the task, get me these deliverables by these times" and the engineer either gets it done or not. If its too much responsibility for a given time period, its their responsibility to express that because non-engineers don't know how long things take. Unfortunately, if you're a non-technical leader, you just have to trust someone who is technical to hold the engineers accountable on their effectiveness. Thinking about hours of working as a useful metric leads to bad things like Blizzard Entertainment, but it also leads to people getting paid to play video games while they run a background script to fool your computer tracking software. I can fuck around in VSCode and make it look indistinguishable from work to anybody who can't code for 40hrs/wk for years to make it look like I'm busy while making no progress and saying its because the problem is complicated. That's why its so frustrating trying to find someone - you have to trust them like a spouse, as they say.

      Good luck with your thing. No code tools handle just about anything you need. They kinda suck in comparison to code, but you don't need years of experience to use it with shocking level of control.

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