Is it possible to use Stripe Checkout for my user to receive payments directly?

So I have two type of users on my app. Seller and buyer.

Instead of taking some portion from Buyer payments for Seller service on my app. I want to let Buyer to have 100% of the payments. So I assume I don't need to use Stripe Connect and just use Stripe Checkout and connect their account.

So is it possible? From my understanding Stripe Checkout is used for e-commerce or saas to accept payments for their own (into their own Stripe account)

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    Not quite sure how is your setup, but depending on what and how you are selling, you can always a ask your sellers (if they have already a Stripe account) to create payment links on Stripe, for instance:


    The payment will then be processed by Stripe directly to their account.

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      Thanks! That's exactly what I'm looking for.

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