Is the messaging too complicated?

I plan on launching my product in a few weeks, but I feel like I haven't nailed the story & the messaging right yet.

It's here: https://www.producthunt.com/products/kypso

Would love some feedback from experienced folks here.

Thank you!

posted to
on August 10, 2023
  1. 2

    Hi Adam,

    i haven't launched a product myself but i do work as a freelance Product Owner and have worked in multiple environments with several Teams and Platforms.

    From your Product-Hunt site i do find it difficulty to understand how you solve the problems coming with cross-team/cross-platform Teams.

    How does the automation come in place? Do you automatically detect risks or a you triggering some process to mitigate it. The text sounds like the second but i have a hard time imagining how that works and the screenshot look rather like the first.

    How do Notion, Slack etc. come into place here? Do assume that the Teams work on different communication platforms?

    Some minor notes regarding the wording on the screenshots:

    • If the team fixes it, is it really automatically?
    • I would not measure delay in Story Points. Alternatively you could delay in time or say the complexity rises by 3 estimated Story Points

    I hope this was not too harsh an maybe i misinterpreted the product. Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss this a bit more.

    1. 1

      That's really good feedback. I agree with most of it -- but nailing it right is super difficult, I guess because I am deep into it.

      I've changed it quite a bit - migrated to focusing more on processes. "Your processes on auto pilot. Kypso is a unified platform for leaders to automate their processes across everyday tools and empower their teams to follow them.".

      What do you think?

      1. 1

        Yes, that works way better for me. And I also looked at your landing page and have better feeling for your product. I like that you start with the demo. What I am still missing here is how the kypso-inbox is filled, I guess that here lies a lot of the product-value.

        And I really like the "work flawlessly" over "fixing automatically", nice one :)

        All the best for your launch!

  2. 2

    I am not an experienced folk but i tell you some words as a common person that doesn't know much about this.

    Your message: "Kyoso: The control center for cross-team projects. Kypso is a unified platform for engineering leaders to build automatic mitigation strategies for execution risks"

    "The control center" makes my mind think about NASA.
    "cross-team" is what ? motocross ?
    "unified" ? what is this unified meaning ? unified plataform ? you join 2 or more platforms in one ?
    "mitigation strategies" ? this seams very general to me

    Try to reformulate like this for the common people:

    Online platform/site for managing execution risks on your projects.

    and then you can start talking about advantages:

    automatic processes
    team tools
    targets engineering

    Best of luck to your project


    1. 2

      Thanks Pedro! I appreciate it.

  3. 1

    We are live on ProductHunt and would love to get your feedback folks!


  4. 1

    Delivering message to customer is an art itself.

    There is a lot of thing to check, such as from who's perspective are you speaking, what is the level of education of your target etc.

    But it all comes down to one thing. How simple your message can be. How simple it can be that when people read it they will understand.

    If you have time checkout this book by Donald Miller Building a Story Brand. book

    It talked about how to deliver your message.

    As for your product hunt, it is very general and not sure who is it for and I don't even know what the product do and how it can help me.

    That from my perspective maybe I am not your target customer that's why I don't get it what the product do.

    Nevertheless this article about How can we effectively convey our message to our customers? might help you in understanding what to do next.

  5. 1

    It is not clear.

    Your processes on auto pilot. Kypso is a unified platform for leaders to automate their processes across everyday tools and empower their teams to follow them.

    your processes - what processes? Tell me specifically

    automate their processes - same question what processes?

    empower their teams to follow them - follow the leader? Or follow their processes? So is it automation, or is documenting processes for your team?

    Get more specific.

    1. 1

      Thanks Josh! We changed it quite heavily. Do you think it's better now?

  6. 1

    Hey Adam,

    Congrats and best of luck on the upcoming launch!

    Looking at the PH page text:

    Your processes on auto pilot. Kypso is a unified platform for leaders to automate their processes across everyday tools and empower their teams to follow them.

    I was initially unsure what Kypso does. Perhaps because it wasn't immediately evident to me what "processes" means. After looking at your landing page (which is gorgeous by the way), it clicked right away, especially with the demo. I think being more explicit might help non-specialists and commoners like me. The "Use Cases" section on your landing page is very clear and direct, perhaps borrowing that kind of language and amalgamating the use cases can make things clearer.

    1. 1

      Thanks so much! I changed it quite heavily. Do you think it's better now?

      1. 1

        Yes! I think it is. It's much clearer now what to expect from Kypso!

  7. 1

    Hey Adam, first off - congratulations on the launch coming up!

    Few observations (hope these help):

    1. When delivering your positioning, questions to answer are - WHO is it for and WHAT will they get. Clarity is a big moat.

    2. I find these missing in the first go.

    "Your processes on autopilot" - I'm confused of who is the speaker and which processes are we talking about?

    1. As you mentioned leaders - are you targeting a specific niche?

    As an example,

    "SaaS leaders simplify cold outreach with Kypso"

    I'd love to help out further if you share more details :)

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot! We changed it quite heavily. Do you think it's better now?

      1. 1

        And I'd love to get more feedback. Can we connect on LinkedIn?

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