Is there a group that can be used for general blogging purposes?

I'm thinking about my next project, and I would like to build it in public - blogging along the way.

Yeah, I could start my own blog, or use something like Medium, but I think the IH community is where I would get the most valuable feedback.

Is there a group that accepts general blog-like posts? Content like why I chose a tech stack, hosting problems, challenges, ideas, etc...

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    +1, I also wondered about this.

    I think the product pages are supposed to be used for this, but I don't like them because the content length is limited and (not sure) your updates can not be discussed like posts.

    Who found a good solution for this?

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      Right. And in my case, I'm not ready for a "project" yet. I have a general idea of something, but I want to work through details and validation in public too. I may not end up creating one, but the process is still valuable.

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