🕵️ Is your FBA shipment processing holding your ecommerce operation back?

Over the last few years, we have found that the key to a successful Amazon FBA business is to manage your own prep and processing before sending items to Amazon FBA or Walmart Fulfillment Services for free nationwide 2-day shipping. However, currently the existing workflows provided by Amazon and Walmart are not designed for speed and accuracy and are rudimentary at best. They require copious amounts of time to take simple steps such as printing labels, and supplying shipment plan information, which should only take you a few seconds.

Did you know that outsourcing your prep drastically increases receiving times at the 3rd party fulfillment center?

When you elect to have Amazon or Walmart prep your items for you, you incur natural time delays in addition to any fees associated with using their prep services. When your shipment arrives at the fulfillment center, it is diverted to a separate area of the warehouse where it is received and labeled. This process is terribly slow and can delay the time your inventory is for sale by upwards of one month.

Fillify increases accuracy and receiving time for users with accurate product data tracking, and proprietary 2D box content labels. Our unique workflows and box content labels have allowed some users to ship and have inventory received for sale in the same week.

Using a prep management tool such as Fillify can drastically reduce prep errors and mistakes with easy to use software and intuitive workflows. Managing and sending 50,000+ individual units a week to your 3rd party fulfillment channels is no problem with Fillify.

Try out our free trial of Fillify today by visiting the link below!


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