It happened, passed $30,000 💵 in revenue with a "boring" directory 🥳

It happened, passed $30,000 💵 in revenue 🥳with JobBoardSearch.com 🔎 a directory of job boards

All thanks to @levelsio who in a DM told me: "start charging for new boards to submit"

Last month it did $2.8k, it's not huge but in EU the min avg salary is $900, you can make a living in a lot of countries in the world!

Inspired by Pieter and RemoteOK built it using HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery), and PHP

Put it online after 5 hours of work because StackOverflow Jobs shut down and people were asking for alternatives

How it makes money:

  • Sponsored job boards
  • Listing upgrades
  • Ad slots
  • CPC

Some stats:

  • 975k page views
  • 528k unique
  • 330k jobs / job boards link clicks
  • 7.3k Telegram mems
  • 7k Newsletter subs
  • 6.2k subreddit mems
  • 125 paid job boards / products
  • 3k Backlinks
  • 367 Referring domains

I'm building it in public and got inspired by a lot of other founders, I shared all on twitter https://x.com/rrmdp/status/1764646109815656457?s=20

Hope this thread inspires others a few steps behind

Always happy to help 😀

posted to Icon for group Growth
on March 4, 2024
  1. 4

    Congrats Rodrigo, you deserve it 😊

    1. 1

      Thanks so much, Thomas, It's nice to see you around over here!

      1. 2

        Superb job, Rodrigo!

        Time to update your interview on the Indie Hustle site with the latest revenue numbers!

        1. 1

          Hehe indeed, thank you!

  2. 3

    Congrats man! Keep pushing forward

    1. 1

      THanks a lot MAtiss!

  3. 3

    Congrats on your inspirational success :-)

    1. 1

      Appreciate you Zack!

  4. 3

    This is so encouraging
    Congratulations 🎉

    1. 1

      Happy to hear is encouraging, thanks!

  5. 3

    Congrats on great results, more milestones to come 💪

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot, hope so 💪🏻

  6. 3

    Congratulation for your success.

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot LEo!

  7. 3

    Congrats man! That's awesome

  8. 3

    Congratulations on the results!🚀

  9. 2

    I know you. I've been following your progress. Congratulations.

    1. 1

      Thanks so much 🙏🏻

  10. 2

    Congratulations . We are thrilled to celebrate your success!

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

  11. 2

    Congrats on reaching $30,000 in revenue with your partners. Cheers to your success!

  12. 2

    Congrats, Rod. This is very inspiring.

    I'm interested to learn more about the ads.

    How did you get your ad customers? And how many monthly views are they getting in return?

    1. 2

      Thanks to building in public on Twitter and word of mouth.

      The monthly views depends a lot on the type of ad.

  13. 2

    Great Job... Inspiring story :-)

  14. 2

    Wow! nice work. board of job boards, how meta.

    1. 1

      Thank you!

      I actually built a meta feature, so jobs are listed with in each job board :)

  15. 2

    wow. simple & $ustainable.

    1. 1

      It's not huge, but growing :)

  16. 2

    Congrats! This is very inspiring. How long did it take to get the first 100 users?

    1. 1

      Thanks, happy that is inspiring. More than 1 year

  17. 2

    How are the ad slots doing and did you use google ads? I am considering adding ads to a free tier of my recently deployed site but keep convincing myself otherwise.

    1. 1

      I've sold both ad slots this month ($500 each for 30 days)

      Note: Ads slots are for products that are not job boards

      I never ran any ads at all, it all happens organically thanks to building in public on Twitter

      1. 1

        Oh interesting! With building in public on twitter did you just start posting your work with the hashtag?

        1. 2

          Yes, sharing everything on the way, like new features, revenue, failures, wins, new job boards added.

  18. 2

    Congratulations and keep going !

  19. 2

    This is so inspiring, congrats! I have to ask though, how did you manage to get the entire thing up in 5 hours? I assume the paywall and everything else payment related came later. How did it look as an initial MVP after the 5 hour mark?

    1. 1

      Thanks man!

      There wasn't any paywall at all, I started charging 2/3 months after launching.

      It was a very simple, basic, ugly static HTML website.

      I posted under a @levelsio tweet, he liked and RTd it.

      The rest is history 😃

  20. 2

    Congrats on the continued success!

    1. 2

      Muchas gracias Roberto!

  21. 1

    Congrats man. Lots of hardwork went into this success.

  22. 1

    Congrats Rod! How did you market it initially?

    1. 2

      THanks man!

      It all started on Twitter.

      If you are interested in the story you can read @petecodes post about it https://www.highsignal.io/companies/making-20k-job-board-directory/

  23. 1

    Congrats man, truly inspiring 🙏

    1. 1

      When I started it was super inspiring reading others stories, so now I'm sharing mine too. Thanks a lot!

    2. 1

      When I started it was super inspiring reading others stories, so now I'm sharing mine too. Thanks a lot!

  24. 1

    Congrats 🎉👏🏻

  25. 1

    Are you sure abt your claim of "975k page views?

    SEO tools like Semrush, Ahrefs tells the totally different story.

    1. 3

      SEO tools do not have access to actual traffic data. They just estimate traffic based on keyword rankings and search volume. It's never even close to the real thing.

      1. 2

        but they cant be SO wrong. Semrush showing traffic < 400 only.

    2. 1

      Actually 978k right now, I use PostHog to track and I haven't started using it since launch, I'm pretty sure I crossed 1M.
      Here the link to the pageview stats https://us.posthog.com/shared/8V5xoOr-pplRm0WgTU-Zct4n4H1SEA

      PS: Ahrefs and Semrush estimate traffic and are far from accurate

      1. 1

        but they cant be SO wrong. Semrush showing traffic < 400 only.

        How come PostHog is so right?

        1. 1

          I have no idea. PostHog has the real traffic because the app tracking it https://ibb.co/984qD2w

    3. 1

      for traffic, check similar web

      1. 1

        Is not accurate either, I've seen SimilarWeb claiming I had 200k unique per month and is not true, I get less that that

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