I've launched, made mistakes on, and shut down 2 products. I'm building my third in public. AMA!

'Ello, I'm Jamal. You might have seen me around the Build in Public community on Twitter as @jamaruuuu.

I'm a software developer by profession, currently working full time to save the planet through green energy while Indie Hacking on the side.

As you probably saw in the title, I'm currently on my third product.

My first was a Stocks and Forex trading journal. It got released, it got users, but it was never profitable. This was my fault, and it was one of the reasons that led to me burning out on it.

My second was a Masterminds app. Again, it got released, got users, but was never profitable. This, again, was my fault, but this time for a different reason. It ended up being a money sink, and I couldn't see it making money without some pretty fundamental changes, so I shut it down.

My third and current project that I'm building in public on my Twitter is Chyrp. An app that lets you manage Twitter conversations as support tickets. I'm currently focusing the majority of my efforts on marketing it. Something I don't excel at but am learning a lot about.

Chyrp is in beta and is looking for users to help guide its development. So if it sounds like something you might like, check it out!


posted to
on January 11, 2022
  1. 3

    Have you ever considered getting a co-founder or resources to help with your weaknesses so that you can focus on your strengths?

    1. 2

      I haven’t no.

      I think if I were to do that, I’d like to know them in real life, or at least have a big timezone overlap, but no one matches the bill.

      It would probably be someone good at marketing/sales, but I don’t know many people like that.

      Our goals would also have to align. Currently I have no desire to go full time into a project, but enjoy building them on the side, they would have to understand and be okay with that.

      Although, despite that there’s a lot that can go wrong, I do see the massive benefits of it too. As you said, making up for my weaknesses, but also accountability and companionship.

      1. 1

        Where are you based again ;)

        I’m curious - for the first two products did you do any projections from a sort of business planning side?

        1. 1

          I’m based in Japan - so fairly close to you. Singapore, right?

          No projections, no. I tend to just talk to people and see if there is a want. Often it’s my want too.

          1. 2

            Yeah sorry totally forgot! Ah ok I see - yeah I've been trying to work on products that I want too :)

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