I've raised $20M for my startups by cold emailing - here's how

Here's my step by step process

submitted this link to Icon for group Fundraising
on May 26, 2022
  1. 2

    Great thread. Thanks for sharing. Traction is critical as it says in your thread. Would it be jumping the gun to try and get funding before it is clear how much traction a product has?

  2. 2

    This is a big hack. Thanks for sharing. It's always a challenge when we come to the time to look for investment. In your case, you had a lot of validation, great MRR and I believe that, along with all the strategy and persistence, guaranteed the investment.

    1. 1

      100%, no argument there

      1. 1

        Joe, can You share with me data base? Thanks alot. [email protected]

  3. 1

    Some really brilliant tips here. Thanks for sharing @speiser5

  4. 1

    Hi Joe, great post. Do you mind sharing the database with me? [email protected]

  5. 1

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            This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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