Jack Dorsey announces "Web5" — an extra decentralized web

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on June 11, 2022
  1. 2

    this headline makes me lol

    interesting time to try this out. i don't see this working out at all.

    A Twitter user asked Dorsey:

    “what makes Web3, from your perspective, not decentralized enough that you believed there needed to be this next stage via what you’re calling Web5?”

    Dorsey responded:

    “it’s the basis on single point of failure systems (eth, solano, *) and lies being told to people about who owns and controls it.” To the Twitter co-founder, Web 3 isn’t truly “decentralized” or owned by its users, but instead by various venture capitalists and limited partners

  2. 2

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this exactly the whole point of web3? Give individuals ownership of their data and let them provide their data to apps through a common interface?

    I believe I've seen a few other startups with the exact same vision, but this does seem more well-thought through than I've seen before, with details and a couple cool examples.

    I've seen plenty of examples in video games (you'll be able to transfer things between games), but I like the examples of travel apps sharing data, and music apps sharing data.

    Will be interesting to see if many startups try to do this though, and we end up with a ton of different protocols, where certain travel apps don't work with each other... Maybe there will be all kinds of "transformers" that apps need to implement or use to get your data between schemas/protocols...

  3. 1

    I just dont think I could truest this guy anymore. He says these things just for publicity but they really dont mean much.

  4. 1

    I would not trust him. He does things which he try to hate in public.
    Act as saviour but does exactly opposite behind curtains.

    1. 1

      Dorsey is as trustful as an used car salesman

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