Join our AI video tool demo, get a cool video back!

There’s something special about video marketing in the way how it boost engagement. Videos on social media are 10 times more likely to get engagement than posts without video, and 74% of marketers say that video outperforms other content types in conversion rates (source). Still a lot of companies are not leveraging video, because creation is typically costly and time-consuming. That’s why we are building vanillasky.ai, our AI quickly generates ready-to-use video ads from a simple prompt. Read more about our plan here.

Are you currently using video for advertising, or planning to do it? I'm looking for feedback on our first demo, and I'd really appreciate your input. In return, we will help you get a cool video for your brand!

Please reach out to me in the comments or use this Calendly link to book a meeting.

on April 13, 2024
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      Thanks :) Up for a demo?

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    I’m really intrigued by the idea of vanillasky.ai—creating video content quickly and efficiently sounds like a game changer!

    I run Mosaik News, and we’ve been exploring ways to integrate more video content into our strategy to boost engagement.

    Your tool could be exactly what we need.

    I’d love to see the demo and provide feedback.

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      Awesome! Are you thinking using the videos for advertising or for content on Mosaik? We are now thinking to focus mostly on ads, shorter videos with proven formats. Would love to talk and learn from your use case? Can I contact you or do you want to book a meeting https://calendly.com/vanillaskyai/30min?

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        My intention is to create a video to promote Mosaik.

        Sure, feel free to contact me directly to discuss further.

        I look forward to exploring it.

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    how it works? I'm from Brazil and this app model would be very successful here, they are looking for things like this a lot and video marketing is growing more and more here

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      That's awesome to hear! Here's how the first version will work:

      1. You provide a simple prompt about your ad idea and upload your logo.
      2. We'll create a video that matches your idea, including the right copy, images, and more. It will have cool audio, animations, and editing.
      3. You can make some essential edits, but mostly, it will be ready to use.

      In the second version, you can use your product page or website as the starting point for the ads, and instead of just one video, you can choose from dozens of videos. Would you be up for giving feedback and get a cool video? You can book a meeting here https://calendly.com/vanillaskyai/30min

  3. 1

    Hey @Jorisdieben
    I completely agree with you on the power of video marketing! It's a game-changer for engagement and conversions. Your AI video generation tool, sounds fascinating! I'd love to volunteer to test it out.

    By the way, I run an active directory and market tools for AI founders and market it for free. Let me know If you're interested, I could help boost the visibility of your tool within our community. Let me know how I can assist!

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    1. 1

      Awesome, thanks! 🙏 Great to hear you're interested in our AI video tool. It would be great to get your feedback. Your directory also sounds very useful. Would you mind sending your details to [email protected] or book a time to talk at https://calendly.com/vanillaskyai/30min. Looking forward to connecting!

  4. 1

    Seems like it's worthy to try

    1. 1

      Thanks so much for that! I’d love to connect to show you are demo. Can you share your contact details at [email protected] or arrange a time to talk here: https://calendly.com/vanillaskyai/30min? Looking forward to our conversation!

      1. 1

        Thanks for sharing - booked a slot !
        you can reach out at [email protected] and my AI directory is https://alternativeai.io/ (under dev maintenance today - but it works fine :) )

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