Just launched Joli, my first no-code app!

Hey all! I’m Sean, a designer and indie creator. I started playing around with Bubble around the beginning of 2023, by following some tutorials and just messing around. In that exploration I started to try to see if I could build out an idea I’ve had for a long time (in fact ever since Delicious went down. Does anybody remember Delicious? the awesome bookmark manager that was acquired and killed by yahoo?)

I digress, I wanted a bookmark manager that was outside of my browser. My team and I (at my 9-5) always struggle with sharing links to resources, inspiration, etc. as they often get lost in slack, or are just screenshots in figma. I wanted to build a way for us to share links in one place, so I began building Joli, a powerful bookmark manager that enables you to easily create, share, and collaborate on collections with your team, family, or your entire network!

After just about a week of playing around, I was amazed because I had a working prototype already! It was amazing how fast it came together, which is a testament to the true power of Bubble (yes it definitely has it's issues). Over the next few months I added some new features, designed and redesigned pages, beta tested with friends, and now finally I’m happy to announce that Joli is open to the public!

I scoffed at no-code for a while, but after creating a tool like this in such a short period of time, I’m all in on no-code, and am already currently building 2 more apps. Yeah I get the argument that learning code is better, and Joli would almost CERTAINLY be better if it wasn't made with no-code, but it's hard to argue with the speed and efficiency.

I’d love for you to check it out and leave any feedback you may have! Thanks!


  1. 1

    I really like your landing page, and it's inspiring to see what you've made in a short amount of time. Keep it up!

  2. 1

    Congratulations on shipping your product.

  3. 1

    Amazing website, Good work

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