Landing page + blog in WordPress?

Is making a landing page connected to a blog a good option? I will connect my saas to a subdomain.

posted to
on January 15, 2023
  1. 2

    Yes, it is a good option.

    You have to understand this:

    Your website has to be your most important marketing asset. So you have to keep the root of your domain for your landing and the blog in /blog so that you take advantage of the authority of the domain for SEO.

    Your SaaS product has to be on a sub-domain because SEO is not interested in that case and it gives you the freedom to work your marketing website with the technology stack you prefer.

    At GorillaCMS we implement this type of architecture for SaaS and we make sure that your website + blog is working very well.

    Good luck with your project!

  2. 2

    Yes sticking with WordPress will reapmany benefits, for blog obviously its the best and for landing page as well. It will be easy for your marketers to tweak content of landing pages, copies etc easily viabWordPress.

    For backend you can custom code on app.domain.com or dash.domain.com or my.domain.com

    Keeping things simple will make it easier for you to manage on focus on things what matters the most.

  3. 1

    I think it is the best decision that we have made for our SaaS to migrate both the landing page and blog under one single platform. As it makes our branding and design more consistent throughout the user journey when visiting our landing page and blog.

    Previously, we self-hosted our landing page from HTML templates and blogs through Wordpress. Now, we are using Webflow for both our homepage and /blog.

    I am not a fan of WordPress though as it could be quite heavy and prone to exploitation.

  4. 1

    I use Divi and it's theme templates to get a head start on site builds but have recently used the free kadence blocks theme as well for a learning experience on a newer site.

    I do a side line on WordPress hosting (UK based but global CDN) if you want to give wordpress a try out with Divi and a premade theme. I can set up a practice site for you.

  5. 1

    Yeah, I would recommend to stick with WordPress for now. So you don't have another code base lying around for the landing page.

  6. 1

    There are some nice Nextjs templates out there too. I found that it's sometimes just easier to just do it with code because Im familiar with programming. The result is much more extensible and ranks better on google

  7. 1

    There's a bunch of options with WordPress, including making the top page of the site (where the blog would normally be) your landing page (and of course you can have as many other landing pages as you want to build). Elementor is nice, as the other commentor suggested, but these days I like more "block-based" sites -- I'd suggest Kadence Blocks for that, plus whatever other more specifically-focused blocks you need or want.

  8. 1

    Keeping landing page and blog together is a good idea, especially at the beginning. With WP and Elementor you can create very good looking landings 👌

    1. 1

      We too using the same approach with combination of WP and Elementor.

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