Launch on Product Hunt after 5 months of work!

Over these past five months, I've experienced ups and downs while working on the development of my project modalcast.com What I initially thought would only take a month to develop the MVP ended up extending into a longer period.

I believe it's common for all of us programmers to get excited about an idea and underestimate the time needed for its realization.

I admit there were challenging moments, especially when my SSD failed, and I discovered there was no backup of the project. 🤯 It was necessary to start from scratch, but this whole experience taught me many things.

Now with my heart beating faster, with caffeine running through my veins, I finally launched my SaaS on Product Hunt. 🚀

If you'd like to offer your support, here's the link:


Thank you for being part of the best community I've ever known! 🙌

  1. 3

    Slick website man! Congrats! One thing that I do not enjoy is no pricing section. I don't want a 14-day free trial now, I want to know the pricing is it monthly/yearly is there a free tier, etc. Apart from that, looks slick.

    1. 1

      The price is at the bottom of the landing page, but I will adjust it to make everything clearer. Thank you for the feedback 🙏

  2. 1

    Love the UI/U Xdesign of your website. May I ask which UI library you used? Or is a custom design?

    1. 1

      I'm glad you liked the design. My purpose was to create something clean; I didn't use any libraries. It was customized by me, and I first designed the interface in Figma.

  3. 1

    That’s gotta feel great. Congrats. Any lessons learned from the launch?

    1. 1

      A quick lesson is that I didn't prepare as much as I should have to get more votes, didn't promote in as many places, and didn't create a list beforehand. Despite that, I achieved good results, especially in terms of feedback that will help improve Modalcast.

  4. 1

    Congratulations, Jeferson! Your hard work paid off beautifully. Excited to see your product soar on Product Hunt!

    1. 1

      Thank you very much. It's very gratifying to see other users using my product. 🤩

  5. 1

    Do you regret working for 5 months? I have something that I am working on, my first product, 2 weeks in and I am already anxious

    1. 1

      I have no regrets whatsoever; there were many lessons learned along the way. Don't give up, stay strong in your project! 👊

  6. 1

    Great Work Ling!
    I can help you to get first 100 users:) Interested?

  7. 1

    Congrats on the launch! Looks very slick. Upvoted!

    1. 1

      Thank you very much for your support, it helps me a lot 🙏

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