Launching Dioratic: An open Expert Network! 🚀

Hi everyone!

I am super excited to share something we’ve been working on for a while. 🎉 I’m part of a team that just launched Dioratic, a fresh take on expert networks. Check us out at dioratic.com!

So what’s the deal with Dioratic? We think that everyone with expertise should have a shot at sharing it and earning from it – not just the top 1%. That’s why we built Dioratic. It’s a place where pros from all walks of life can connect, learn, and make some cash on the side. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or just know a ton about something cool, there’s a spot for you.

We're really trying to shake things up by making it more open and accessible than traditional expert networks.

We aim to give our experts enhanced abilities to customize their profiles and join projects, while also giving our clients (consultants) the ability to choose the experts they want with quality and speed.

You can jump in as an expert, or if you're looking to learn as a client, dive into a sea of knowledge that's just waiting to be explored.

We are looking into catering to our client's needs. If you are a consultant and part of a consultant firm or boutique, we are looking into better screening opportunities for our experts and also building custom features that your enterprise/ consulting boutique may need

Here’s where we’re at:

We will be launching our platform on May 22. Currently, we have a waiting list for experts and clients who want to be the first to test our product. We are also on ProductHunt: https://www.producthunt.com/products/dioratic.

Why am I here? Well, I’d love to get your take on this. How do you attract your first users when things are just getting off the ground? Any growth hacks or outreach tips you swear by? Plus, if you've got a minute to check out Dioratic and tell us what you think, that’d be awesome – feedback is gold!

It’s all free to join right now. Later on, we’re rolling out some premium features (think top-tier listing, special alerts, that kind of stuff). If you sign up now, we’ll hook you up with these perks free for a year when they drop.

Thanks for checking this out! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and maybe even seeing some of you on Dioratic soon!

Cheers! 🍻

on May 5, 2024
  1. 3

    Hi Evangelos! I'll be launching on PH soon too, next week actually 😄.

    Sounds like a good idea, looking forward to discover more with your upcoming launch!

    1. 1

      Keep me updated about your launch too! Good luck

  2. 1

    I am curious. Is it similar to enquire.ai?

    1. 1

      Yeap it seems they are doing something similar. They seem to be leaning more on AI, instead of the expert calls, I will take a deeper look into their website.

  3. 1

    Sounds cool, so can you tell us a bit more on how it works? For example let's say a consulting firm comes to you (Dioratic) and gives you a specific technology domain that wants to find experts. You find consultants on that specific domain they asked for? This will be automated from your side?

  4. 1

    Interesting concept, Dioratic seems like a neat approach to old tech expert networks. I like the idea of making it more accessible. I'll definitely give it a look. If possible DM me to tell me more info about how I can also be onboarded as a Client please.

    1. 1

      Sure thing! We will be launching soon so you can get more details in our complete website, but check your inbox I ll let you know more about the Client process

  5. 1

    There is nothing much to give a feedback, yet. Let's wait until the launch.

    If cold emails something you'll consider, I'll send you one. I have a list of people who may enjoy the idea of dioratic.

    1. 1

      Sure , I have no problem with cold emails. Thanks !

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