Launching on a noisy day on product hunt 🚀

Hi everyone,

We have officially launched on product hunt today. I may regret launching on a Tuesday as there are a lot of big hitting apps out there today and they have already racked up hundreds of votes. But! shipping is just the first step.

As some of you may know, We have been working on making peer feedback seamless and real time. Peer feedback is critical to growth but is currently bogged down by annual review cycles or arcane HR software. Inkrement allows feedback to be continuous and embedded in our work and that's why we built.


  1. Request feedback from peers
  2. Give unsolicited feedback
  3. Give feedback anonymously (optional)
  4. Download your feedback for reflection
  5. Weekly nudges and reminders to ensure your requests get answerd

Celebrate our launch with us and learn more about our journey on product hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/inkrement

Thanks everyone for all the guidance you have given us so far in this community.

Thank god IH is back up 🤣

posted to
on October 27, 2020
  1. 1

    Slack integration is quite nice! Upvoted.

    1. 1

      Thanks @Wyeem for the support and kind words !

  2. 1

    looks like you have some positive comments coming in from beta users.

    upvoted and all the best!

    1. 1

      Thanks! Yeah its a delicate balance to get our audience to support us but not ask for votes because we don't want to get penalized by the algorithm . We are still below the fold so traffic is non existent at the moment :(

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