Launching personalized face frames to create a better fitting mask. Would love your feedback

Hi IndieHackers!

We are a team of engineers and developers who wanted to improve the effectiveness of everyday masks and make Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) more accessible.

EXO is an affordable face frame that can be molded to create a personalized seal and improve the protection provided by cloth and surgical masks. EXO is based on open source and tested designs. More than 100,000+ EXO style masks have been manufactured worldwide by organizations such as the Marine Corps and the Navy.


Problem we are solving

Due to a severe shortage of N95 masks, the majority of essential and medical workers are issued cloth and surgical masks during COVID-19. Unlike N95 masks, cloth and surgical masks are unfitted and create a poor seal against the face. They expose the wearer to unfiltered particles and respiratory diseases like COVID-19.

How effective is EXO?

While our design has not been tested to the CDC/NIOSH standard for N95s, similar designs have demonstrated near N95 levels of filtration for 0.3 micron particles.

We are currently working with hospitals and universities to conduct tests that will validate the effectiveness of both filtration and seal. We will publish these results on our website as soon as they are available.

Are you for profit?

Yes, but our mission it to make EXO affordable and accessible to all. Additionally, for every EXO purchased, we will donate one to a medical or essential worker in need.

How to be part of the solution and get your EXO

We are testing EXO with early adopters and essential workers. If you are interested in trying EXO for free and providing feedback, please visit our website to sign up

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