Learning Web3

The IH community taught me a lot and I decided to give back.

Hit me in the comments about any web3 technical questions you have. Will try to answer as many as I can and explain it in an unsophisticated language

About me: 4 yoe software engineer, currently working on my side project ( https://floordle.app/ - nft analytics tool )

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    What are some of your favourite tools that you use for web3 dev? Any APIs , IDE extensions, etc. Would be awesome to learn about

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      Hey! sorry just saw this

      Here's a list of services and packages I've used:

      https://github.com/spectrexyz/use-nft - you can pass the token address and the token Id and it will output the metadata

      https://docs.opensea.io/reference/api-overview - opensea api for NFT collection data

      https://moralis.io/ - Moralis have lots of APIs available, I've used only a few when building https://floordle.app/ to scout for NFTs owned by a token address. But they do have much more.

      https://docs.alchemy.com/alchemy/ - also APIs

      https://docs.ethers.io/v5/ - ethers, This is a great package. I've used this to connect the user to MetaMask and Trust Wallet

      For Solidity building I definitely recommend https://remix.ethereum.org. This is an in browser IDE that lets you quickly prototype your contracts and deploy them to either a JavaScript VM or testnets/livenet

      For production level contracts you probably want to have your local setup using hardhat. I would suggest using Remix only as a playground tbh since you might lose all your code there :)

      As for extensions I'm using JuanBlanco.solidity for VS Code

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        can we discuss, i have same tool idea for nft collectors, i hope to see your reply and interesting

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          heya sure! reach out to me on twitter https://twitter.com/ad52l

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