Lessons learned launching my first paid Gumroad course

I launched my first paid gumroad course https://gum.co/preorder-git-zine this week. It's an illustrated guide to the core concepts of git and is targeted at both kids and adults interested in getting better at how git works.

What I learned

  1. All traffic sources aren't created equal:
    A sample of my conversion rates was:
    0% for Reddit (Despite constituting over 60% of my total traffic, Reddit isn't too receptive to things that look like self-promotion and I got banned from 2 subreddits despite trying not to be blatantly self-promoting).
    9.1% conversion rate for Product Hunt (It was 50% on the day of my PH launch)
    16.7% conversion rate for Gumroad Discover
    9.3% conversion rate for Direct, email, IM (consistent almost daily purchases)
    0% for Twitter (I get visitors but no purchases, I guess this is due to the country the bulk of my followers are from)
    0% for IndieHackers (This was shocking but on second thought, IndieHackers is filled with more entrepreneurial types, not programmers trying to upskill).

Where you post your products determines a lot and it's clear to see that not all traffic sources are created equal.

posted to
on December 12, 2020
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