Let's create a subscription renewal reminder Workflow

I sell yearly subscriptions to an image editing software package and recently found out that Gumroad doesn't send a renewal reminder. This kinda makes sense for monthly renewals, but with yearly renewals customers can forget about their subscription (and in my experience do forget).

If you're also selling yearly subscriptions on Gumroad, consider setting up a Workflow to remind your customers that their subscription is about to be renewed. No one on this planet likes to pay for something they don't use so better to make sure your customers actually want to stay subscribed then to secretly renew.

This renewal reminder workflow will help minimise refund requests and allows you to fish for some customer feedback if your customer does decide to cancel.

Workflow instructions

  1. Tap New workflow in Customers view.
  2. Select Customers only and select the relevant product
  3. Name the workflow and tap Add
  4. Now click Add email and then change the "Hours after purchase" dropdown to "Days after purchase"
  5. Set it to 360, this will send a reminder 5 days before the subscription renewal date. Plenty of time for your customer to consider wether to renew or to cancel.
  6. Set your renewal reminder subject and message. You can find a renewal reminder copy draft below.

Before clicking publish, keep in mind that the workflow will run for existing customers as well. If some of your customers have been subscribed for more than a year the email will go out to them instantly. You can use the "after" field to filter out customers.

  1. All good? Click publish

Done! Your customers will now receive a reminder 5 days ahead of renewal. Because you're asking for feedback you've created an opportunity to get some feedback and to maybe even get your customer to renew instead of cancel.

You'll have to set this up for each year, use the numbers below for each yearly reminder. You can add multiple emails to the same workflow so that should make things easier.

  • Year 1: 360 days
  • Year 2: 725 days
  • Year 3: 1090 days
  • Year 4: 1455 days
  • Year 5: 1820 days

Renewal reminder draft


Your <product-name> subscription will be renewed soon


Hi there,

Thank you for supporting <product-name>, you made it possible to keep improving our <product-name> over the past year.

I wanted to let you know that your subscription is about to renew and your continued support is greatly appreciated.

If you don't want to renew, please hit reply and let us know why. We'd love to make <product-name> better for you.



Gumroad staff, if you're reading along, please either send these automatically or allow us to create workflows that are triggered a certain number of days before renewal.

posted to
on March 8, 2021
  1. 1

    Thanks Nick!
    I might have to try that too!

    Totally agree! This would be great to have!

  2. 1

    This makes sense Rik. Renewal reminders is a common request, and we will support it eventually. The workflow thing is a good idea too. We’ll look into that.

    1. 1

      That would be great, don’t know much about the underlying system but i imagine adding a different kind of event hook could potentially be low hanging fruit.

      A thing that makes this tricky though is the fact that customers can unsub from workflow emails and thus not getting the renewal reminder email. But that’s nitpicking, having the option to configure it a bit cleaner would already be a great start.

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