Let's see, How many of you are working on similar ideas and how you can help each other

Please comment in the following format so, it will be easy for everyone to participate.

  • Product category
  • Intended audience
  • Your idea

For example:

  • Social media promotion & analytical tool
  • Intended for social media influencers
  • A platform where social media influencers can promote their channel or page.

If your product is already live then you can share the link at bottom.

posted to Icon for group ASKIH
on December 30, 2022
  1. 3

    In Nigeria, I am building a relationship and trauma Healing website for communities where people can rent out their free time to potential clients. It is a form of database solution to have people monetize their free time and be their own boss selling their free time to potential clients looking for accompany or chaperone.

    1. 1

      It sounds similar to craigslist, isn't it?

  2. 3

    Product category:
    Collaborative list sharing.

    Intended audience:
    Marketers, Developers, Designers

    Your idea:
    A community where you can learn, share, and grow resources together.
    You can use it to promote your product, get social proof, get insight, collaborate, and learn from each other. Registration is not required.

    Link : https://favird.com

    1. 2

      LOVE this idea and it's a great execution overall. I always struggle with remembering the online tools I like for specific parts of the process (analysis, design, dev, etc) so I love the ability to share a group of tools instead of individual links. Will definitely be using it!

      My only note would be that I expected to be able to go to the sites quicker than 3 clicks in.

      1. 1

        Thanks! Appreciate your feedback.

    2. 1

      How you're going to ensure that social proof is legit if registeration is not required?

      1. 1

        Not all features are allowed for unregistered users. Users can browse and contribute items without registration, but needs to be approved from the creator of the list. For the testimonial or social proof, users must be registered in the first place.

        1. 2

          Okay, got it. Good luck with your idea.

          Visited your website I liked the design.

  3. 2

    Product category: Libraries & Templates
    Audience: Intended for business and product managers
    Idea: Provide great-looking flat and isometric customizable diagrams to help tell the story of process, business structure, and systems


    Feel free to provide feedback!

  4. 2

    Product category: SAAS, Developer Tools

    Intended audience: Backend Developer (Software Engineer)

    Idea: As backend engineers for years, most of the work is to develop CRUD function (Create Read Update Delete). I could say 70-80% of the project was to develop it and then modify it a bit, the difference is just only the database schema.
    So, how about there is a platform that able to turn the database schema into CRUD service (source code), and on top of that we can modify the source code to add another logic. So the engineer will focus more into the logic instead of repetitive tasks.

    Actually I have a tools like years ago but it's just used by me (like cli tools that run via terminal). But recently I've developed it to be able accessed publicly. And here it is https://kodingless.com

    Feel free to try and give feedback

  5. 2

    Product category: no-code AI SaaS
    Intended audience: Businesses and individuals willing to use AI without the tech knowledge
    Idea: You can Train AI models to generate state-of-the art AI models which can then be used for fraud detection, recommendation engines and literally any AI use case. Just drag and drop your csv file with no coding required!

    We will be launching our beta in about 2 weeks from now.

    Checkout our website codenull.ai and please do sign up for our beta. We will be launching an all free plan for our early sign-ups. Also feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you want a live demo :)

    1. 1

      You might want to look into @RichardGao's comment.

      1. 1

        Yup, we have been in touch, Our SaaS is an AI model maker while theirs is AI model hosting :)

      2. 1

        Interesting! But I don't think they're too similar to us. Codenull seems to be more for people training their own AIs and moreso for analysis tasks and is purely no code.

        For us, we just make open source AIs more accessible, and with our API, there'll definitely be some coding required.

        Very interesting product though @Alphainvader10 !

  6. 2

    🚀Product category: AI
    Intended audience: developers making AI apps
    Idea: AI as a service: we'll host various AIs on the cloud and offer access to them via API, which devs can easily connect to their app.

    Otherwise, they would have to manage the infra themselves by getting the AI on the cloud, which can be a massive hassle.

    So far we are almost done our stable diffusion API, with much more coming in the future.

    Feel free to sign up for the newsletter to get notified when we launch: https://evoke-app.com/

    We also have a discord with over 1000 members: https://discord.gg/sfvSMkBhMM

    1. 1

      I am working on an app that I hope to add AI features to next year. The main challenge is first figuring out the AI architecture in detail so it will do want I want it to do.

      In my case, I have mobile wireframing app (https://tinyux.app) and want to add a neural net that can input an image of a wireframe (sketched on paper) and output data so it can be manipulated directly in the app. The best thing would be if the whole net would be inside the app even.

      I have played around with PyTorch, and was able to interpet a small (4x4 grid) wireframe, but it's hard to scale and you don't know the grid size in advance.

      I could use help, but I'm first at the level that I need something that works in a local demo. If I'm able to come up with someting that can fit inside the app itself, I might not even need the infra.

      1. 1

        Interesting app! And yep, if you can create something so small that it can run locally, then that's always better than paying hosting fees.

    2. 1

      Your idea sounds very promising for near future, wishing you luck & take it to the large scale. I would love to see your journey.

      1. 1

        Thanks! I noticed you haven't posted yours, I'm curious to seeing it.

        Is it Three-J?

        1. 1

          Thanks for asking. Yes it's threej only, but I have some different idea to implement.

          I'm thinking to recreate it as an opensource hub, Where opensource projects will be hosted and the revenue generated from website will be shared with project developers as per their popularity.

          1. 1

            Currently it's a hub for telegram groups, are you trying to revamp it completely for another service?

            1. 1

              Yes, telegram groups will be going to be a part of it as I also make it opensource

              1. 1

                Cool! So is it more like Github but for open source projects only? Or are you not only referring to code when you say "open source", but just apps and projects in general?

                1. 1

                  Exactly, we're going to host the app so that user can test it directly without downloading or installing it. Similar to vercel apps but with monetization. The main goal is to make opensource projects profitable.

  7. 2

    Product Category:
    HR Tech for Tech Talent Recruitment & Community

    Intended Audience:
    Tech Talent, Recruiters(?), Front-end, Full-Stack, Back-end Developers & Organizations/Businesses looking to hire

    Idea: Platform to conduct tech assessments, where progress, interviews, assessments and reports done on the user(developer) are publicly available to organizations and where companies can also upload challenges/hackathons and assessments to be answered and reward coders that manage to solve it or make a hiring decision from it.

    Register Interest when Beta testing starts:


  8. 2

    Product category:
    Micro SaaS for marketing audio(podcasts, audio books)

    Intended audience:
    Podcasters, short-form video makers

    Your idea:
    Automatically turn your audio into kinetic typography vids, so you can post it on social platform to drive engagement. Here is the upcoming page:

    1. 1

      Interesting. Do you have any existing competitor?

  9. 2

    Product category:
    Micro Saas Desktop application

    Intended audience:
    Developers, Copy Writer, Students

    Your idea:
    Universal Clipboard Application

    1. 1

      How is it different from native clipboard? Windows clipboard can copy images and formatted text.

  10. 1

    all the new apps that are coming are based thanks to chatGPT and GPT3. Hence they seem similar in behavior.

  11. -1

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