Link to where you blog about your startup journey

Do you have a personal or a blog for your business, where you write transparently about your indie hacking journey?

If so, link it below! 👇

(Only blogs, not Twitter accounts, please.)

posted to Icon for group Bloggers
on May 31, 2022
  1. 8


    I do monthly "retrospectives" where I share my revenue and reflect on what I accomplished the previous month.

    1. 1

      That's cool! I like it!!

    2. 1

      Why is total revenue smaller than mrr in your posts? I would have thought total Revenue would be cumulative for the year/lifetime and so include all MRR to date?

      1. 1

        It's the total revenue for that month, not overall.

        edit: I was thinking about it and that's a fair point. I'll change that verbiage going forward. Thanks!

        1. 1

          I think I understand what you meant, was total income the amount you took home after expenses? Sub'd btw

          1. 1

            No, it's the gross revenue for that month. So before taxes.

  2. 5


    I shared a lot of my Transistor.fm journey in this "bootstrapping reality" series:


  3. 1

    I just started to post on Medium under Likispaces. I'm a french speaker so it might be a bit rough. i'm writing about my story, what it takes to create a new communication tool and the venture itself... Liki a communication tool that use widgets over text to offer a visually engaging experience that enhance productivity and creativity. (not launched yet)

  4. 2

    Just started my site earlier this past week and will be posting my first blog soon about my journey towards being a Solopreneur: https://cyrusweaver.com

    1. 1

      Hey, congrats, smart decision to start with audience, welcome to the club tho
      Do you have a person who told you to start from communities?

      1. 1

        Thanks! I joined indie hackers a few weeks ago and saw other folks doing that and really enjoyed reading their stories. So that’s where I got the idea from.

        1. 1

          Hmm, pretty interesting way to start, best of luck
          Did you read Steve Blank, Rob Fitzpatrick books or YCombinator videos?

          1. 1

            Thanks! I haven't read those yet. I'll have to check them out

            1. 1

              I was collecting some content on my way, no advertising, its just yc videos and personal notes, if you want, I can send you a few

              1. 1

                Cool. Feel free to post links on this thread in case others would want them too

                    1. 1

                      I was just getting this fast, can spend some time looking for better content

  5. 2

    Been at it since 2005 - www.yaro.blog - previously it was entrepreneurs-journey.com

  6. 2

    I write about my indie hacking journey on my personal blog. https://alexstyl.com

    Some highlights:
    when I left my high paying SW job: https://alexstyl.com/happiness-over-profit/
    First month indie: https://alexstyl.com/First-month-working-as-an-indie-maker/
    Six months indie: https://alexstyl.com/six-months/

  7. 2

    Each month we send out one newsletter highlighting our journey before we reach product market fit.

    Here the latest updates from month #2: https://strongyes.substack.com/p/a-startup-in-the-making-post-2?s=w

    We talk about:

    • our hypotheses, testing methods, struggles, and insights
    • the hr/recruitment space for which we aim to solve for
  8. 1

    This is a very insightful and useful article. We shall share it amongst our team. Thank you for expressing your views on this. Do visit our website for more UI UX design and product design related blogs. https://octet.design/blogs

  9. 1


    I just rebuilt my website and want to grow my blog and audience. These comments inspired me to actually start some regular retro of my blog progress. There is no write-up about it yet, but I will definitely write a post by the end of this month and share it(with the following here and in my newsletters).

  10. 1


    I've been taking daily notes since quitting my job in October 2021, and I publish most of them on my blog.

    I've also just started publishing monthly income reports/retros. Here's the first one for May: First $5k Month as a Solopreneur (May 2022 Retro)

  11. 1


    Started in 2018 and cover diy fixes in multiple niches.

  12. 1


    I just write in plain html files. Hosted on github pages. Keeps it simple, last thing I want to do is worry about building a product and maintaining a complex blog.

  13. 1

    Yes I just started blogging for my agency for the first time trying to get to grips with it. here https://snowballcreations.com/sustainable-marketing-blog/
    Plust just about to start on my saas... https://forzeit.com/blog/
    Excited to get into it!

  14. 1

    I have a personal blog where I post updates once or twice a week about my entrepreneurial journey.

    For anyone interested, the best place to start is the blog post I wrote on the day I quit my job and went solo: On a new adventure

  15. 1

    I blog about https://serverlessq.com here: https://sandro.volpee.de/series/serverlessq-bip

    Currently mostly from a build & technical side 🙂

  16. 1

    Haven't built anything I would consider a start-up yet. But at https://robindeneef.com/makerlog I write about my weekend adventures building things. Ranging from SaaS ideas to electronics and other random ideas.

  17. 1

    Many thanks for Help :) I am just dipping my toes to share my mess with the world . Learning and earning. I hope I will add any value. all the best https://medium.com/@crazywatchmaker/mind-your-words-9a940068af1b

  18. 1

    i have written about the globally facts.

  19. 1

    Blogging is the best activity you can do for your earning and learning.

  20. 1

    I post on my selfhosted blog at https://lazz.tech/

  21. 1

    I have written many blog posts about my journey at: https://wannabe-entrepreneur.com/

  22. 1

    www.mertnesvat.com but started a new contract so it's really hard to keep it updated. 😔

    But.. super useful question and loved some of the blogs, it's great to see fellow successful indie hackers.

    just want to add one of my favorite fellow indie dev now makes 10K $ MRR

    https://alexwest.co/ shout out to Alex, definition of perseverance...

  23. 1

    Hi, Courtland Allen, many thanks, I try to write about Internet Marketing what little I know.


  24. 1


    I blog about how a mastermind community can boost accountability and progress for boot strappers.

  25. 1


    Hello, I'm Cory! I'm just getting started on my journey and I'm trying to go full time. This is what my blog is about.

    Here's a post where I explain it: https://indieengineer.com/blog/i-left-my-office-job
    Latest post: https://indieengineer.com/blog/i-opened-an-online-arts-and-crafts-shop

    I'm preparing technical content and more projects with data and juicy insights that will be showing up soon, so I hope you stick around. Thank you for reading!

  26. 1

    I run a blog helping indie hackers optimize their landing pages. with design.

    Not sure if it fits the script

  27. 1

    Kind of a blog, kind of a personal notepad:


  28. 1

    I blog about my project to build a search engine and search as a service for blogs at https://blog.searchmysite.net/ .

    I also have a personal blog with various miscellany at https://www.michael-lewis.com/ .

  29. 1

    https://www.adama-platform.com/blog/ is where I'm talking about build a new type of infrastructure which makes connecting people easier. It's a slow journey full of my pathologies, but it's fun.

  30. 1


    We are getting started but we will definitely share everything in public there (in the blog section and the website in general) 😊

  31. 1

    I'm the other way around - I randomly blog about going through the VC-backed startup experience and try to write down answers to questions I get about funding, building, marketing, and scaling: https://aamusings.substack.com.

  32. 1

    I write about product management, crypto and AI at https://www.aseem.us

  33. 1

    Our companies' blog where we document the journey, the problems we encountered and the solutions is at. https://www.homekasa.io/blog/what-can-homekasa-do-for-you-2022

  34. 1

    My current product journey will be documented on my site -> https://mikebifulco.com/posts/building-tiny-products

    I'm building an AI-powered speech generator, why not? 😅

  35. 1

    I've been writing since 2015 on my personal blog. I set a goal each year to increase the number of posts per year. I also hope to get over 1.2 million views on my blog this year. A blog can be slow to grow but it's neat to see I get more views a month than I had the entire year in 2015.

    Stats Since 2015
    Tim Leland Blog

    Personal Blog: https://timleland.com/

    I also have a blog for URL Shortener SaaS T.LY: https://blog.t.ly/

  36. 1

    I write 1 article a week about self-development for Habits Garden's Blog 🌱

  37. 1

    We publish mainly technical blog posts https://quickwit.io/blog/
    At least this post https://quickwit.io/blog/commoncrawl is interesting in the sense that it was a turning point, we made the front page on HN and got a lot of feedbacks from potential users, it was really helpful.

  38. 1

    My personal blog is here: https://xvrc.net

  39. 1

    I have a blog and newsletter where I document the development of Owlstown, the website builder for academics:

    1. 1

      hi @ManojRanaweera, would you be interested to cover our story for arouund?

        1. 1

          I mean, like writing a small blog post about arouund on your blog. I can write it and send it to you if you prefer. Let me know. :)

          1. 1

            Sadly I don't write about others. If you subscribe to https://skilledup.life and add free talent to your team to build your tech startup, then I can write about you and how you use us.

            Same goes with https://techcelerate.ventures if you join us as you are a UK tech startup.

  40. 1

    Fresh out the oven: https://lovecurated.com/projects - all running and startup costs for the new Love-network of inspiration sites I'm trying to grow.

    1. 0

      hi @robhope, would you be interested to cover our story for arouund?

    1. 1

      hi @lelinta, would you be interested to cover our story for arouund?

  41. 1

    Here. https://resources.letscubo.com/
    There is not much content, I will consider sharing more experience in the future.

  42. 1

    I finished one series a while ago, about setting up useaffiliates.com. Now I am working on a new one (already 11 eps in) where I am building a link in bio HTML/CSS template to sell online.

    You can find my blogs here;


    1. 1

      hi @Twan, would you be interested to cover our story for arouund?

      1. 1

        If you can send me an email with more details, we might be able to work something out. :)

  43. 1

    We only really did one post so far, but we decided to post about stuff that was interesting to us as indiehackers trying to build a company, rather than content marketing, so it's going to become a bit more like a journey blog 😊 https://squeaky.ai/blog

  44. 1


    Like Allison and others I do monthly transparent retrospectives, as well as the occasional longer-form update.

    1. 1

      hi @czue, would you be interested to cover our story for arouund?

      1. 1

        Hi Amy - not sure I know what you mean? But you're welcome to email me if you have a question. Contact details are on my site's footer.

  45. 1

    Just published it yesterday, check it out: https://andinfinity.eu/

    1. 1

      hi @andinfinity, would you be interested to cover our story for arouund?

      1. 1

        You mean if I would write about your story? Is that what you mean?

  46. 1

    I started this personal blog a few years ago https://byvi.co/ to share some of my experience. I accept guest posts now so other founders can also share their stories.

  47. 1


    Tips on freelancing as a dev and becoming your own boss.

    1. 1

      hi @westonwalker, would you be interested to cover our story for arouund?

  48. 1

    I've been focusing on how people learn to code. Started with just writing posts then started to branch out into more experimental ways to teach. Looking for an approach that has product / market fit - https://garden.bradwoods.io

    1. 1

      Your garden pages have an interesting, minimalist design (although from the perspective of this 'reader', the free-form nature of the site seems to be both an advantage and a disadvantage).

      Did you create your garden using a generally-available tool, or did you create it through custom code?

      1. 1

        I'm interested to hear more details on what you think is an advantage & disadvantage. The site is all custom code.

        1. 1

          The main garden page gives a good overview of the bounds and extent of the included content as well as an indication of the 'density of coverage' as well as gaps in coverage of the various content areas (aided by a couple reads of the about page key).

          But you do lose that context once you drill down into any of the detail pages - you have to hit a back link to regain that high-level view, which is a disadvantage compared with a more conventional doc approach having a TOC in the left margin and a larger content area to the right (you do have that on a micro level in the content pages, but you have lost the macro context when you're there and have to back out in order to regain it).

          Another disadvantage: in the main view you don't know (unless I've missed something) whether clicking on a link will deliver to you a paragraph or two, or several pages worth of info that is further subdivided into a hierarchy of subtopics, or even in the extreme, a whole site full of a detailed learning progression with tutorials and examples up the wazoo.

          But I'm glad that I stumbled across your site and I expect that it will factor into my thinking as I go on to develop my own instructional materials in the future,

          1. 1

            This is great feedback! Thank you for taking the time.

            Because the content can get complex, I wanted to balance this out with the design. Making the notes as simple as possible. The larger table of contents is an interesting idea. I haven't thought about communicating the size of notes on the landing page either. It would come at a big cost considering how complex that page already is.

    1. 1

      hi @GeoffRoberts, would you be interested to cover our story for arouund?

  49. 0

    I used to have a business blog but i closed it :)

  50. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

  51. 1

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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