Looking for a Backend/ Full Stack Developer (potential cofounder)

Hey fellow Indies,

I am Bhargav, a non-technical product guy building an AI SAAS tool called clippr.studio which converts long videos into short social-ready clips as well as dubs them into multiple languages to increase engagement and reach.

I am looking for a fellow indie who is proficient with Python, Django, queuing mechanisms with Redis, RabbitMQ as well as managing AWS.

Pay: Range USD350 to 1000 per month.

If the person can perform well over 1-2 months, I am willing to offer a full-time role as well as equity up to 5% in the company.

Perks: Remote Work/ Flexible work hours/ Performance based bonus

Reach me:
WhatsApp: +919687657847
Email: [email protected]

  1. 1

    Send me an email at: khalifa.rmili@gmail...
    I'm not able to put the dot c o m in the end

    1. 1

      share your work and details about you at [email protected]

  2. 1

    Hi, I am literally working on the same idea which also has the concept of an AI subtitle generator, would like to connect with you once and show you what I have built. My number is 9087858584 and email is [email protected]. I shall message you on whatsapp

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