Looking for feedback for our productivity Chrome Extension

Hey everyone! So me and my friend finally launched our chrome extension smartpaste.io a few weeks ago.

We've been able to get some users (based on chrome store analytics) but I've been trying to really get feedback for what works and what doesn't from people online and some customers but we really haven't been able to get much. I was hoping to turn to the community for some feedback and looking at if this would help your day to day :)

If you really find this useful too and you think you'd use it day to day, we'd love to hop on a call and I can give you heavy discounts on the pro version as we expand the pro feature set!

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on March 12, 2023
  1. 2

    Hey, I just viewed the page for your product. While I was able to achieve a 70% clear understanding of what your smartpaste.io, I can't think of any use cases myself. Like, when would I need to insert a table of 20 people into 1 domain..? Who is this product for?

    I think adding "who, what, when, where, why" to your messaging could attract more customers.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the feedback! I definitely have to incorporate more specific use cases in my messaging for people to understand.

      I assume you're talking about our autofill feature right?

      The specific use case for 20 people in one domain was from a friend talking to me about how he used to fill contact info forms from a leads list as a sales person

      Some more examples would be filling financial records from excel sheets into a records keeping system or filling in contract PDF forms from tabular data.

      It would definitely be hard to name all of them but I think I do need to improve messaging around more specific use cases since these are very generic data entry tasks :)

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