Looking for feedback on a no-code browser automation SaaS that I’m making

Hi indie hackers,

I’ve been working on Browserhub since a month ago. While I was working on the MVP, I opened a waitlist, talked to some people, and there are some meaningful conversations that helped iterate the product so far.

Today, I decided to open the access to the public.

My intention is simply to hit a finish line for the product and do more marketing. There’s no such thing called a “finished product”, so it’s important to put it out there at some point.

And as I’m still early in the journey, I’d love to hear from you. Do you have any feedback on the landing page or even the product itself? Any kind of feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much!

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    Hey! The page looks nice, and it's quite clear that it can help automate something I do in the browser, I think it's quite tangible.

    I personally would like to get a super clear example first, and a usecase everybody would understand, like: automate checking the spa appointments, or visa slots.

    I think automation is quite a broad topic, and to me it feels too broad to clearly see how I could use it. An example would help me personally. Good luck!

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      Good point. That was my thought too. Create some kind of case study to make it clear. But cool design!

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      Hi Chrisler,

      You have a good point about showing use cases. That's definitely something we're working on at the moment. I'll keep this in mind.


  2. 1

    The landing page looks nice and clean.
    It clearly explains what the product does, but lacks a bit of information (like privacy or a documentation page).

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      Hey Cristian,

      We already have the privacy page, and it’s listed at the bottom of the page – i.e. the footer section.

      Regarding documentation – I’m not sure there’s anything worth documentation at the moment. Do you find something worth it?

      Thanks for chiming in btw! :)

  3. 1

    I like the idea. i had a few thoughts:

    how do I execute a workflow? can I execute them programatically? can i execute workflows across different browsers?

    this sounds like a cool alternative to cypress and could be used to automate hard to write browser tests.

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      Currently the only way to execute the automation is via the app. A lot more to come though ;)

      If you have some time, I’m open to discuss your use cases. Shoot me an email at [email protected]

  4. 1

    Hi! How many people joined up until this point?

    You overall page design looks clean. I have few things to say.

    • The "Features" navbar menu link doesn't work when I am browsing the Pricing page (it links to /pricing#features). Same with the link in the footer.
    • The "Support" navbar menu item is an email link. I don't think that is a good idea. Lots of people don't have any app connected to "mailto:" protocol, so they won't know what is your email. I advice you to create a seperate page where you explain that you are only available via email and put the email link there.
    • When I view the home page on a smaller screen, the white section under "Automate your workflow today" seems weird, I would remove that.
    • How does the product look like, or how does it actually work? I can read all things, but I can't actually see any presentation about it's interface. Add image or video about the product.
    • I see that you tried to minimize the text, but I think there is still too much of it. I think the upper mentioned product image/video suggestion will fix this issue.
    1. 2

      Hey Tomo,

      Appreciate the feedback you’re writing here. I’ll keep this in mind when I work on the landing page.

      Cheers :)

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