Looking for non-technical founder for AI product

I am looking for a non-technical founder two things.


Stealthily allows users to get AI generated content which is undetectable by any means as AI generated.

SaaS agency

I am someone who can churn out high quality code at a very fast pace. You will help me find clients who want their own SaaS but lack the programming skills. We will build it and maintain it for them.

If interested in any of the above, [email protected].

  1. 1

    I have emailed you. You have not even responded.

    1. 1

      Probably he has found his co-founders

  2. 1

    I’m looking for similar. What are you offering?

    Something important before finding a non-technical co-founder: monetization.

    Ex: I have a few live projects, and make sure I get them to the point where payments can be accepted.

    I’m now at the point where my projects look slightly more favorable because I actually have a cash register.

    Hope this helps!

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