Looking for some alpha users

Hey everyone I am looking for some initial users with whom I can work on a Dapp I am building.

Brief Pitch:
A Reward-based Survey Dapp that helps companies increase their survey response rates by creating crypto incentives for their respondents.

Blockchain-based companies that want to increase their survey response rates.

On average, surveys have a low response rate of around 10-15%. This makes it very difficult to gain useful quantitative insight from customers.

A smart contract that lets companies create a cryptocurrency-powered paid survey, in which they can pay their users for answering surveys. The Dapp primarily aims to improve survey response rates, while also secondarily tries to increase cryptocurrency adoption among the masses.

Subscribe here:

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    Hey Shreyas, I subscribed on PH, happy to test something out when it's usable.

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      Thanks, @gareth, will reach out to you once I have a testable version.

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    Shreyas, congrats on trying it in a decentralized way. Couple of questions 1. How do you validate that people don't game it for rewards? 2. Is it more like Mechanical Turk?

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      Hey @wilsonbright
      Thanks for these great questions!

      1. These surveys will have restricted participation and will be created by companies that will decide the respondents beforehand. Currently, I am considering multiple ways to verify these respondents before they get access to the survey.

      2. Right now I am focusing on companies that want to run surveys for their own audience. It can later expand to Mturks too. I am open to that.

      I noticed that you are running https://blocksurvey.io/, which did come up in my research and it seems like a great product. How has traction been for your product?

      Hopefully, we can collaborate in the future once I release my product as well!

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        Hey Shreyas,

        Traction has just started for BlockSurvey. Looking to grow this year.

        I'm really looking forward to your PH launch. Wishing you the best. Let's keep in touch.

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    Hey Shreyas, just signed up. Is there any documentation / white paper to have a deeper look? Will there be a reward pool for testers?

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      Hi @nashsaas
      Thanks for subscribing. I will be releasing a more detailed landing page in the coming weeks along with an alpha version of the product. Stay tuned!
      Don't think there will be any specific rewards for testers per se but you will be able to earn by participating in some initial closed surveys.

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