Looking for some feedback regarding my next (either million or zero dollar, there's no in-between) idea

Hi everybody, long time participant in this community here!

I am looking into my next idea, and to do that, I would really need your help by answering this survey. It only takes a minute as it has 6 multiple choice questions.


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    It may help to provide what kind of user's you would like to fill out the surveys. I do a lot of engineering data review and therefore this does not apply. But would love to add value in something else if it arises

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    Would be helpful if you could indeed put a little more effort into your post before asking for favors.

    E.g.: Which idea, which target group (as @Vibha mentioned), an image, etc.

    This might work a little better since those posts are usually being ignored by 90% of the people here.

    Forcing users to select at least 3 problems will make this survey absolutely useless, since it will be polluted with non-problems the user selected only in order to continue the survey. I suggest you could adjust that.

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      Appreciate your comment. I put 3 choices in the idea to lot allow people to check them all all the time. But you are right.

      An image is not applicable since I don't have a product yet, I am exploring an idea, starting from my own itch. I am curious to see if other people have the same problem, or it is very specific to my work field (and therefore not really widespread enough).

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