Made My First Django Video Tutorial!

Hey all,

Just wanted to share with the group that I have finally published my first video tutorial. The topic is "How to Migrate to a Custom User Model Mid-Project in Django".

Here is the link -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0GwrwC5uuo

If you guys could provide me some feedback, it would mean the world to me. I'm wondering if the tutorial is clear and makes sense. Furthermore, if anyone has any recommendations and comments, I'd love to hear them.

Hope you have a wonderful day.

posted to
on September 22, 2020
  1. 2

    Great job! Like @joeHail, I think if you plan to do videos long-term, consider using a microphone to record your audio.

    1. 1

      hear hear! Your voice sounded like a whisper from the back of the room. A mic would certainly help!

  2. 1

    Nice, I have some recommendations based on the first 3 minutes that I watched. I liked that the video started with describing the problem and scenario. You sounded knowledgeable and I felt that if I continued on watching I would definitely learn something new. The recommendations would be to try and record your audio and video separately, your voice is really low but your mouse clicking is very high. Having a better microphone would make future videos watchable. Next would be to try and speed up the pace of the video by editing out any audio deadspace, 'umms" or long pauses. You will be surprised how your video length goes from 12 mins to 6. Great job 👌 keep it coming

    1. 1

      @joeHail thank you so much for the feedback 😍

      The clicking noise I think is the feature of the video recording software. I think I accidentally turned it on, will remove in the future videos. I agree I need to tinker with the software and record audio, video separately.

      I really want to remove the ums from my speech naturally, but doing it in the video is going to be much easier for starters :). I didn't want to spend too much time on editing (I hate that part of the process), but going forward, if I want people to watch, I'll have to do that.

      Again, thanks so much! It means a lot.

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