Made redundant === Built Awkward Party 🥳

Hey everyone 👋 I was recently made redundant from my job and decided to spend my time building https://awkwardparty.com (yes retro look intended 😂).

I'm super happy as it's now available on iOS and Android 🥳

Awkward Party is a social gaming app where friends mess with each other by providing hilarious fake answers to questions and then trying to figure out what the actual answer is. The app contains 5 different games, each with it's own unique theme.

It's not all about getting answers right it's more about bringing out the awkward humour you and your friends have and having a good laugh together. Not to mention, annoying your friends with the perks you get as the winner 😏

I would be really appreciative if you could play a game or two with a friend (or the more the better) and let me know your thoughts 😊

I was also wondering if anyone had any good recommendations for tools to put together a quick promotional app video?

Thanks 🦐

posted to
on August 20, 2020
  1. 2

    The subtitle in the app store "Friends not included" is pretty funny, convinced me to download it! Now I just need to get some friends to try it with me 😄

  2. 2

    Great job shipping!

  3. 2

    Looks like fun, reminds me of jackbox style party games. I remember someone on here had a site that listed games you could play with friends during covid, if you can find it maybe you could add this to that site.

    1. 2

      Ah that's a really good idea! I'll definitely have a look for it! 😊 It's kind of a weird feeling after you spend loads of time building something as you're not quiet sure what to do next lol, but thanks for taking the time to have a look and help me out I really appreciate it!

      1. 4

        Some stuff you could do next to get the word out:

        • Create a page on itch.io for it (they let you link to app stores).
        • Write some blog posts about how you made it, what tech you used, how long it took, why you did it, other similar games, etc.
        • Find some Discord channels where they talk about this kind of game, lurk and comment for a month or two, then post about your game.
        • Tweet a release with #gamedev and #indiedev tags.
        • Make an Indie hackers product page for it.
        • Make a page on the TIGSource forums and add to it whenever you change anything.
        • Post it up on Hacker News as a "Show HN".
        • Put it up on Product Hunt.
        • Start posting YouTube videos of playing the game with friends, or showing how you made it.
        1. 2

          Hey @chr15m!

          Wow this is such a great list of next steps so thanks so much for taking the time to put this together for me it's awesome!! I'll definitely get cracking on this list and let you know how I get on! Have a great day!

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