Make more progress by deciding NOT to do

Today I made a bunch of progress! Curiously enough, the key to it was actually deciding NOT to do lots of things.

Anything that does not help getting in front of the users earlier, is not a good idea to work on.

As a developer I love building things but precisely that betrays you eating your time and energy and delays the most important thing: getting in front of users! So use the ability and discard the distraction!

That said, today I am excited for different reasons.

First off, I see the interaction needed to actually get something ready to sell online is as smooth as I imagined it to be. There are still a couple of steps to add to the process but if I keep this direction the result should be really neat compared to existing tools.

Apart from that, I really reused knowledge and code from previous projects, practically as-is, which feels like getting something extra out of all the energy and time I invested in the past!

I hope to have something ready to share for Christmas here!

Although I still have some time and I could still work for a while, I think it is better to call it a day and get distracted doing something else. Mind and body need to rest too!

This is a marathon, not a sprint! Cheers 🍻

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