Maximize your use of LinkedIn with this free extension

If you're prospecting on LinkedIn, you might be familiar with this issue. We solved it for you.

As you already know, it's important to fully utilize the invitation quotas on LinkedIn for 5 reasons. When profiles accept your connection request:

  1. they will then be much more exposed to your posts (until the algorithm can determine whether or not your content is of interest to them) ;
  2. you can message them for free (without using an InMail credit) ;
  3. you will be able to see their social activity (likes, comments, posts) in your wall, offering opportunities to engage ;
  4. your number of connections is not just a vanity metric... it's also an important element in building public credibility ;
  5. the more people you are connected with, the more people you can see in the Linkedin search engine, and the more people you can reach out to.

BUT LinkedIn allows a certain quota of connection requests each week. If you exceed this quota, LinkedIn shows a warning popup titled 'You've reached the weekly invitation limit'.

And if you repeatedly hit this limit, your account may face a temporary or permanent ban. So it is not possible to invite the entire world.

The problem is that salespeople often do not keep an accurate count of the invitations they have sent over the past few days. They play it safe and significantly limit the number of invitations they send out each week. In doing so, they underutilize this prospecting channel.

So, we've created a small Chrome extension that automatically tracks the number of connection requests sent each week. It's free. You can install the extension with one click from the Chrome store: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/linkedin-invitation-count/ilfnlmgghlkodollaeejjgainmkmihnf.

It's also open source: https://github.com/icypeas/LinkedIn-connection-counter. Feel free to recycle this feature in your own extension, if you want to.

Since my team and I use this Chrome extension, we have more than tripled the average growth rate of our networks on LinkedIn. This has led to a significant increase in generated leads.

Note for Linkedin beginners: the weekly invitation quota varies according to accounts. A LinkedIn Premium account has a larger quota than a free LinkedIn account. An 'warmed up' account (meaning one that's been in existence for several months and shows signs of organic, i.e., non-automated activity) has a higher quota than a newly created account. On average, the quota for an activated and Premium account ranges between 80 and 120 invitations per week.

  1. 1

    Hey Pierre, thanks for helping us conquer our LinkedIn woes! Now we can focus on connecting with people instead of getting lost in the platform's black hole. Kudos to you!

  2. 1

    This is an interesting solution!

  3. 1

    Clever solution. It's all about working smarter, not harder. Great job on creating a tool that streamlines this process for better networking! 👏

  4. 1

    This looks super helpful! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. 1

      You're welcome! Glad you like it!

  5. 1

    This is really something a cool extension.

    1. 1

      Thanks! Do not hesitate to give negative feedback too. Brutal honesty appreciated!

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