'Measuring Engineering Productivity at Google' by O'Reilly Media

Editor’s Note: In this excerpt from 'Software Engineering at Google', Ciera Jaspen, Google’s Tech Lead Manager of Engineer Productivity Research, reviews the organizational value and importance of measuring engineering productivity at Google.

Engineering productivity is essential because it helps you and your team conduct different experiments to discover ways of improving the team’s efficiency, while also ensuring that the team’s performance and productivity aren’t being slowed down.

Why is it important to measure engineering productivity?

  1. To drive continuous improvement in the team

  2. To reduce technical debt

  3. To improve code quality

  4. To detect blockers in the development cycle & remove them

  5. To keep a check on investment distribution & prevent individual burnout

To read about how tech leaders at Google measure engineering productivity & track improvements to productivity, click the link here: https://medium.com/oreillymedia/measuring-engineering-productivity-a6da8605ffae

Do you measure engineering productivity in your team? How do you measure it and how has it helped in improving the overall performance of the team? Let me know in the comments below.

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