Meta sues companies scraping Facebook and Instagram

submitted this link to Icon for group Facebook
on July 6, 2022
  1. 2

    LinkedIn lost this battle. The US courts have ruled so far that it is legal to scrape a site for public information and does is not illegal just because the terms and conditions disallow it.

    Facebook have been pulling their stuff for years. Literally, their execs will tell you that it's about putting up a wall around their prime resource, the data. If FB aren't in the value chain then they don't want it to exist (pretty much what they said verbatim). It's straight-up anti-trust in my opinion.

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      Interesting case. The irony here is rich. Facebook and Instagram claim they care about privacy yet they have trampled their users' security and privacy countless times. It's more that they want a piece of the Scraping for Hire companies' pie.

      I think it makes sense that they sue to stop the most egregious offenders but it's hard to root for them with the argument they're making. And agreed, this is yet another example of their monopolistic power.

  2. 2

    Meta is suing companies for infringing on their users' privacy? That's rich. Pretty sure they wrote the book on shady privacy practices.

    Clearly, they are not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They're doing it so that they can sell the data themselves without competition from data scrapers.

    Despite the hypocrisy and greed, though, I guess this is a good thing.

  3. 2

    This is working. So hard to find scrapers who support IG/FB.

  4. 2

    I think they're just trying to set an example. Not sure if they'll get something out of those court cases.

    1. 1

      Let's hope it turns out like LinkedIn

  5. 1

    Yep, that's of course very much aligned with their vision on the open metaverse stuff

  6. 1

    They can only scrape the data chosen by the user as open to everyone. What's wrong with that?

  7. 1

    "For a fee, Octopus customers can launch scraping attacks"

    Scraping attacks? hahahaha

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